Standing at Concerts: Is It Really Necessary?
Sitting down does not make us lesser fans.
There is nothing quite like that feeling you encounter when an artist you adore puts on a spectacular concert. I have a passionate love for experiencing live music. I also love discussing these experiences with fellow concert-goers. Unfortunately, it seems that every time we introduce the subject of concert atmospheres, one statement inevitably surfaces:
“Who sits at a concert? The artists hate it when the crowd is sitting.”
As someone who is physically unable to stand up all night without my spine rebelling against me, it’s somewhat disheartening to hear comments like this thrown around as fact. Imagine what it feels like to hear that because we’re sitting down, we are not real fans, the artists we love so much don’t appreciate us, and we have no right to be upset when people are standing up in front of us, blocking our view of the show for the entire evening.
Well, I’m tired of being silent. I have a few things to say in response to these statements, so listen up!
Sitting down does not make us “fake fans.”
I cannot stand up for hours at a time. Period. If I try, I will be in considerable pain…