Stop Saying This Word While Going After Your Goals

It’s holding you back from success

Willda Atienza
Be Unique


Hope is a beautiful word.

It inspires people to try again. It’s a word that pulls many from a dark place. It’s that glimmer on the horizon that keeps people going when life feels too hard.

As inspirational of a word as it is, chemists will have you know, ‘the dosage makes the poison’.

The danger comes when ‘hope’ is used as one of the main ingredients in accomplishing our goals,

I hope I become successful at this…
I hope ‘x’ happens for me this month…
I hope to achieve this result…

There’s a reason why we’ve been told that to ‘manifest our goals’, means to begin with an ‘end of mind’. To act as if you’ve already achieved your goals.

When hope is used in the active pursuit of our goals, it becomes toxic. It blocks our goals from coming to fruition.

To hope is to wish for something to happen. And you don’t wish for something you’re certain will happen.

Think of the people who kill it doing what they do.

When basketball players set a goal to win a championship, do they chant in their minds while they train, “I hope we’re good enough... I hope we’re good enough… I hope we’re…



Willda Atienza
Be Unique

Social media manager | Co-Founder of Tartarus Games