Thank You, Donald Trump

Trump’s legacy has been outstanding.

Sara Taki
Be Unique


Tom Brenner — The New York Times/Redux

President Donald Trump has been called a lot of things during his campaigns and current presidency. You know who was elected in 2016, and for 4 years he has been knocking down not only the home of the brave but the entire world with some unprecedented decisions and tweets: The wall, the Muslim ban, deportations, extreme camp policies in Mexican borders, the withdrawal from the Paris agreement and the WHO, not to mention an interest in doing the same with NATO.

But does it means that President Tweety -as Sleepy Joe would call him- hasn’t done good deeds to be remembered with? Personally, I believe Trump’s Legacy is outstanding and ought to be remembered and taught in schools for the generations to come.

Here are some of the greatest achievements during Trump’s presidency.

By Vlad Tchompalov from Unsplash

Women’s March made history

Can you believe that if it wasn’t for Trump, the Women’s March wouldn’t even have existed? The March that took place the day after Trump’s got sworn in back in 2017.



Sara Taki
Be Unique

Creator & blogger. Sharing inner thoughts and states of mind, tackling tips, and following intuits.