The best Love Letter to my dear Wife

Happy Wife=Happy Life.

Vinod Kj
Be Unique
4 min readFeb 9, 2019


The below words are completely true to the fact, and all characters are not fictional, any resemblance to the original is accepted.

For a very long time in my life, I had always wanted to be a bachelor or the idea of being single captivated me because being single offers a significant degree of freedom and autonomy in one’s life.

The charm of being single got penetrated into my head when I see people changing their facial expressions the moment they receive any call from their spouse, and after the call got ended, I had to hear all their remorseful stories about the accident of marriage that happened in their lives.

And at last one day I got Married……and then it all happened……

I came to understand the essential truth that Marriage does not suck and life can be perfect and getting married really does not steal all the freedom that one really enjoyed earlier.

When I informed my friends that I am enjoying my marriage life, I was further rebuked and advised by others “Let’s see the same result after 3 years”, but now I am in my Fourth year, and the same Happiness prevails.

For the Marriage to be successful, there has to be a clear relationship between both the Husband and the Wife.

In this case, the relationship should definitely be mutual understanding and a few sacrifices here and there. If one is not willing to sacrifice even a little amount of EGO on their part, then Marriages become a real mess.

In recent periods, there has been an increase in divorce issues in all countries. In most cases, the problems can be solved between both the husband and the wife, if they had opened their heart to one another and had little trust in each other.

Most of the problems arise after the child is born and parenting takes a great deal of energy for both of them, and it’s only through sheer understanding and love can a good family be created.

You don’t choose your family. they are gods gifts to you as you are to them-Deshmond Tutu

We don’t need any other example to illustrate the situation’s, let my life be the best example.

Every day my beloved Wife wakes at 5.30 in the morning does all the household work, prepares breakfast for me, irons my shirt, take care of my two-year child rushes to her work, comes home looks after the child with great love. She sleeps only at late night but manages the family with great perfection and diligence.

Now you may think that I am always supporting her, wait…… Now about me….

Every morning when she wakes up I will be definitely snoring in my bed, Yes I agree that I am lazy!!.

Next step., slowly one eyelid opens to see the shirts being ironed then it immediately shuts fast without any indication that it was opened earlier!!!,,,,, too lazy right.

But the good thing here, I know that she does all the work with genuine love and me as a husband must acknowledge her work and truly appreciate her for all her sacrifices made in keeping the family alive.

Photo by Hisu lee on Unsplash

For a good family, the first requirement from Every guy is to understand that his wife is his greatest support.

It’s your (GUYS) legal duty to acknowledge that your wife is your greatest treasure that you possess and you are required to keep it safe and provide her with the due respect that she deserves.

Appreciate her, be kind to her, love her with all your heart, mind and soul and you have to understand the real fact what the term “Better half means”

If your wife has been your girlfriend earlier, remember that she is not the same. There are many changes and challenges in one’s life.

The amount of responsibility and accountability had dramatically increased and expecting the same amount of Love when you were her Romeo is equivalent to falling into a bottomless pit.

It is really required by every husband to learn the difference in the life that happens before marriage and after marriage.

The guy must make his girl fall in love again and again. If men can find the best in his girl, then skirmishes of marriage will melt, and love will blossom once again.

If you are under any kind of pressure from your work or any other issue, remember that your wife is not your pressure release valve, always use your common sense. (it’s in this situation more of it is required and also determines your real wisdom.)

Always remember that she has left her family and out of great trust joined her hand with yours only with the full assurance that you will not go away from her side at any cost.

“A Good Wife and Health is Mans Best Wealth”

This blog is dedicated to all beautiful women in this world who make this world a better place and to all men who love their Family most and cherish with happiness!

Now awaiting your criticisms for me being a lazy husband but still worthy of being loved!!

Thanks for reading…and feel free to share.



Vinod Kj
Be Unique

Blogger|Passionate writer|content creator|udemy instructor with 10000 students|author of “IF YOUR LIFE LOOKS LIKE THIS”|