The Dark Side Of Medium Views

Obsession with views will lead to unhappiness

Luis Pereira
Be Unique


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Recently I became quite unhappy with my performance on medium. Purely from one thing, the new strategies I implemented have not given me more views/traction to my Medium account. Until I read an article of Shanna Loga called “I Wrote Schlock and Got Called Out for It”.

To summarize, she discusses her being obsessed with gaining more views for her articles and knew how to do it, by creating clickbait titles. She said something very important, although her views increased, she lost a few followers she worked hard to gain.

I have been trying to make this Medium Gig a full-time job, and although I have grown significantly with my strategies, I noticed I become more depressed when I went to the obsession mode of increasing my views each day.

My obsession with views has made me partially lose my love for writing, which is something I don’t want to lose, Why? Because with Medium I was able to connect with writers and learn different stories from each article.

During this medium journey, I obsessed with the goal but forgot to enjoy the journey, which is the most important thing. The journey allows you to learn from your mistakes and allows you to grow as an overall person.

Focusing on JUST your…



Luis Pereira
Be Unique

Freelance writer on Medium. Experienced In Cyber Security and SEO — For business inquiries please contact