The Familiar Stranger

We kept staring at each other; alas the story is about to change; if only she knew…

Onyema Udeze
Be Unique


It’s an exceptionally-dark morning. The spine-wrecking cold is enough to keep me cringed to my thick blanket. But no, I must not break my routine. I’ve kept to this for the past twelve days, I can’t stop now…

So I jump out, and into my sports kit. Off into the barely-visible street — set for my usual destination. The moon and stars have gone back to sleep, but the sun is yet to awake.

The tranquil street gets interrupted every 2 minutes by some vehicles drifting bye. As I jog towards my destination, these vehicles keep reminding me of why I came here?

I’ve finally got to my destination.

The popular city garden — where people come to chill out on weekends. The place is quite empty this morning, being mid-week. This is where I end my jogging routine from my apartment — followed by body exercises.

Having completed my morning session, I sat totally exasperated. And my thoughts about to drift away.

I guess I was already lost in thought because I can’t tell for sure how long she’s been sitting there. I could only tell she was staring at me.

