The One Question Which Can Change Your Life Completely

It saved me years of misery

Be Unique
3 min readSep 12, 2018


If you had met me during my high school years, you would have noticed my intention to become a politician. I pushed myself in this direction.

I went to as many delegations as I could, I made my membership to one of the parties in my country and I went to thousands of events to improve my networking, my experience, and my knowledge.

I worked on rubbing shoulders with politicians and climbing up from backstage.

The highest authority I have ever met was Angela Merkel (the chancellor of Germany) at the Bundestag (the German federal parliament).

I moved quickly and I was on the right track, but then it hit me.

I stopped and I asked myself one simple question - WHY?

“Why do you do all those things? Why do you want to become a politician?”

I came to realize I did those things because I want to make a change and create a better environment.

When I dive deep trying to figure out what would be the best way to do so, I found out politics may not be the answer for me.

There are many ways to make a change.

Why would I choose the long and hard way?

Why would I choose a way which can take me down as a person? The way in which I have such a small influence?

I am happy I stopped at the right time. I am happy I didn’t step into a world that could have turned me into a bitter person.

I canceled my registration for college one day too late.

I have never got my money back, but I saved myself years of misery.

I have met enough people who went to college just because it seems like the right thing to do because everyone goes.

When you ask them WHY they go to college, you can tell they do it for all the wrong reasons.

What is the point of spending years doing something which not going to lead you to where you want to be?

Finding your WHY is the first thing you should do before you start running forward.

“It’s better to be slow and careful in the right direction than to be fast and careless on the wrong path. Be sure that you are on the right path before you begin to take your steps!”
- Israelmore Ayivor

Think about the things you do every day.
Now think about your WHY.

Do you keep doing those things again and again?

Are those things going to take you to where you want to go? Are they matching your goals in life?

You are more than welcome to leave a comment and share it with me.



Be Unique

I write to organize the mess inside my head.