The Philosophy Surrounding Holistic Medicines and Treatments

Richard K. Yu
Be Unique
Published in
4 min readMay 18, 2018


“Holistic medicine” is probably a phrase that everyone’s heard about, but that most people don’t really understand or really even care enough to give a bit more thought about.

“Herbs, turmeric, and spice on cutting board near wooden spoon and paper reading love” by Chinh Le Duc on Unsplash

After all, the nature and understanding of a “holistic” approach are deceptively simple to the point where it’s one of those words that we tell ourselves we know and can probably figure out based on context. Here’s a quick rundown of what the holistic philosophy entails so that you’ll be better prepared the next time this vague word pops up in conversation.

The Role and Perception of Holistic Treatments in Society

But it gets much more complicated the more you look into it because of the diversity surrounding different methods that all fall under this umbrella of having this holistic quality. There’s the whole field of Western medicines, Asian medicines, chiropractic techniques, and meditation that often get lumped together with the notion of a holistic approach.

The National Institute of Health (NIH) points out that around 40% of adults have some sort of belief and participation in complementary and alternative medicines. So, what’s all the buzz about? Are holistic treatments effective and what does a holistic approach even constitute in the first place…

