Things You Should Be Doing During the Pandemic

Dheeraj Kontham
Be Unique
Published in
3 min readJul 5, 2020

Every nation is suffering from an unprecedented pandemic. The world is in absolute chaos. Neither the government nor the people prepared for such a catastrophe. The government imposed lockdown longer than expected.

All the businesses shut, the economy is down, and people lost jobs. All the pharmaceutical companies are on the pursue of vaccine development. It could take days or months or a year to develop a vaccine.

Slowly, everyone realized that lockdown is not the permanent solution, and we have to live with it until the vaccine is out in the market. Wearing a mask, social distancing, and proper hygiene should be our regime for the next few months.

Meanwhile, a few cardinal things to avoid anguish during this crisis,

Be Serene

Agitation and funk about life and the future in the current situation are regular. It is human nature to panic if there is even a minor blip in the lifestyle. Imposed lockdown, being confined to homes, and botched society is a lot to digest.

Yet, you have to comprehend that you cannot control the disease spread or own the economy or handle other people’s behavior. The only thing in control is your mindset during the crisis.

Stop ruminating about things that are not in your proximity and keep calm.

Avoid Procrastination

The economy is deteriorating day by day. You cannot anticipate anything at this moment. You might be working today, and the next day, you might not. So, be vigilant and prep yourself for the worst.

Start looking for other opportunities; if there are none, then plan to cope with the jobless days.

Everyone is terrified of losing jobs. We talk about layoffs in many multinational corporations, yet we are reluctant to find other opportunities. Don’t merely wait to be in the layoff list, and don’t delay finding alternatives.

Take a Break from The News

From the past few months, everybody’s day starts with CORONA news. Be it on television, newspaper, or any social media, it’s everywhere.

At the start of the lockdown, I consistently followed CORONA updates. I kept count on the positive cases of each country, watching the graph, death toll, and updates on vaccine development.

I was furious when I looked at people not abiding lockdown rules and those trivial fights for groceries in supermarkets. Then realizing that excess information is extremely stressful, I stopped following the updates.

Staring at the count on the screen won’t make your life any better. Take a break from the news and clear your mind.

Explore and Enhance Your Skills

Initial days of the lockdown, I was binge-watching Netflix. I was watching all kinds of crap. Even if I knew something is uninteresting, I persisted just because I had nothing else to do.

Before the pandemic, I neither read nor wrote anything on any media. Out of compulsion and boredom, I started reading and writing. Eventually, I made it a habit. Being confined at home helped me to explore reading and writing.

Often, you complain about not having free time to explore. You have the internet and all the resources to learn, yet you skip stating not having enough time. But now, you have all the time in your life. You have nowhere to go.

Stop finding excuses, and start enhancing your skills.

Everybody is striving to go out. You have this urge to attend parties or visit friend’s places, but you are risking not only your life but also the people around you.

On the verge of leading an everyday life, you tend to forget the consequences of CORONA.

Some scamps are ignoring social distancing and sneaking out for casual meets. Those little parties, long drives, and yearn to eat at dominoes can wait. There is a whole life beyond 2020. Stay home and stay safe.

