Top 3 Habits of Unhappy People

It’s time to break these bad habits.

Tan SiHui
Be Unique


In the hectic and highly stressful world, we live in today, it’s no wonder why we are always in a sour mood. Stressing over bills, relationships with our bosses and co-workers, or even deciding on what to wear every morning, there seems to be no end to the things we have to care about.

If you find yourself always grumpy or can’t seem to be in a good mood, you may have one of these bad habits:

The King or Queen of complaints

You always seem to find something to complain about; whether it is about today’s weather, why you had an inadequate night sleep or why is today Monday? You find yourself in a world of negativity. Everything you do or see turns into a groan. Why is the world so unfair? Why can’t I be the wealthiest person on earth? Why does it have to be me, and not someone else? With the pessimists, the possibilities are endless.

If you see complaining as a form of relieving stress, let me tell you it doesn’t work. Complaining will only induce more stress. Ranting may seem like the painkiller you need to take to stay calm, but chances are you’ll feel angrier after ranting.

Ask yourself, what is it that you are having trouble with? Are you frustrated because you don’t know how to solve the problem, or are you not receiving enough encouragement? Once you’ve identified the reason for your complaints, it’s time to take action.

Why are we doing something repeatedly when it doesn’t bring any good to us. Stop harming yourself. Turn that negativity into the motivation to do better. We need to accept how life turned out to be, and complaining doesn’t solve anything.

Tomorrow is the end of the world

In simpler language, you worry too much.

“If I worry, I’ll never have a bad surprise.” You’re in the wrong mindset. Experts call this preempt disappointment. Worrying puts you in the state of uncertainty and cause unnecessary stress.

Worrying is human nature, but excessive worrying becomes a problem. You need to understand this: the sky isn’t going to fall tomorrow, planet earth will still exist tomorrow. Maybe one day, the earth will disappear, but it’s not for you to worry about right now. Yes, thinking and planning about the future are essential, but there’s no point investing all your time thinking and planning when you’re not doing anything to change your future. Learn to live in the present. Life is too short and valuable for you to waste time envisioning about the future.

Getting caught up in the comparison game

Do you find yourself constantly compare to others? It’s a never-ending cycle. It brings your self-esteem down. Why compare to others when they are not even you? It only makes sense to compare you to yourself. How were you five years ago and now?

Comparison is a fundamental human impulse, and there’s no way of shutting it down completely. In 1955, psychologist Leon Festinger hypothesised that we make comparisons as a way of evaluating ourselves. At its roots, the impulse connects to the instant judgements we make of other people, which is a crucial element of our brain’s social-cognition network that can be traced to the evolutionary need to protect oneself and assess threats. The above is known as the Social Comparison Theory.

The good news is if we understand comparison’s origins, mechanisms, and what to watch out for, we may be able to mitigate the harmful effects and amplify the good, both online and offline.

Social media is a serial killer. It puts all of us in the never-ending comparison game. Social media displays a slice of the narrow, distorted reality is almost entirely created to make users feel deficient and discouraged. There will always be winners and losers, no matter how hard you try, you won’t ever be them. You are you, and there is only one of you in this universe. However, contradicting to what I said, you can compare yourself to others, only if you turn their achievements into inspiration and motivation to improve your life. Turn comparison into your friend, not the knife against you.

Seek connection, not comparison.

Give yourself a chance to live a happier life

Everyone can be happy if they choose to be. Happiness is a choice. Every day, we can choose to live the day in happiness or misery; it’s up to us. Whatever the decision, the day will still pass; time doesn’t wait for anyone. You can start and end the day whining or get work done and enjoy the rest of the day. You deserve the best in life, and that includes happiness.



Tan SiHui
Be Unique

Finding meaning in life through writing. When I’m not writing, I’m busy cuddling with my Pomeranian 🐶