Ways To Easily Make Better Lifestyle Choices

Living a healthy lifestyle is something we all want to do. It starts by making simple choices. Here are some tips to help you get started.

Madison Fletcher
Be Unique
5 min readAug 7, 2019


At the start of a new year, we all make the decision that this is the year we want to start living a healthy lifestyle. We get ourselves all psyched up, telling ourselves that it all starts with just making some simple choices. With this in mind, here are a few of those tips that will help you get started.

Start Small

We can’t expect ourselves to change everything at once. Instead, we should choose just one thing about our lifestyle that we want to work on at a time. Once you’ve chosen that you can consider what you must do to make things easier for you to become healthier here. For instance, if you want to be healthier in regard to your snacking habit, you should portion out small amounts of healthy snacks so they’re easier to grab. This should help you avoid reaching for junk food.

Pay Attention to Your Food and Climate

It’s important to eat the right number of calories from a variety of foods and get plenty of exercises. Even though we know this is the only way to get all the nutrients you need, it isn’t always easy to do. This is especially true when you consider that you must also limit the number of hydrogenated oils, trans fats, and artificial ingredients you eat. No wonder all this sounds so overwhelming.

You can make this easier on yourself by adding organic and gluten-free options into your diet. Many naturopathic diets also suggest different types of diets depending on where you live. For instance, they will tell you that if you live in an area that has cold winters, you shouldn’t eat cold food or drink smoothies until these temperatures are above 60 degrees Fahrenheit again. This is because while these foods are healthy for you in the summer months, they can cause health problems for you throughout the winter months.

For instance, they may affect your spleen (what’s responsible for fighting off infections so you remain healthy and keeping all the fluids throughout your body in check). You may notice this because you’ll develop a lump of mucus in your throat throughout the cold months by eating these foods.

Since all these things can be so overwhelming, remember each meal is an independent event. This means each meal gives you the opportunity to start over and make good choices for your health.

Reminders Help You to Make Changes

Although you know why it’s important for you personally to make changes in your lifestyle, it’s still helpful to keep reminders around. This can be as simple as scheduling a daily pop-up aspiration on your phone or you may need something a bit more “complex,” in which case you might want to consider joining a support group so you have people to hold you accountable and help motivate you to meet your goals.

Surround Yourself with Supportive and Positive People

There will be people in your life who won’t encourage or help you when you decide to make these types of lifestyle changes. This includes close friends, people you’re in a relationship with, and even your own family. While it’s important to address this lack of support, it’s equally as important to make sure you surround yourself with people whose values align with yours so they can support you. Sometimes you can find these people in person, but at other times you may have to go online to form these new friendships.

Know When You Need Professional Help

You’ll also find times when you need more than friendships and non-professional support. While professional speakers are a great help, there are times when you’ll need professional help (e.g. overcoming an addiction). You’ll probably know when you need this type of professional intervention. The good news is when this moment appears, you won’t be alone. There’s always a professional who can come up alongside you and help you make the necessary changes here.

Deal with Stress

Living Magazine says it’s easy to find things in your life to stress about (e.g. work, family, commitments). Things like yoga, meditation, and prayer will help you manage these stressors better. It’s also a good idea to set aside some time for your hobbies. You’ll want to do this before stress impacts your physical health (e.g. high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity and diabetes).

Stay Hydrated and eat Plenty of Fermented Foods

Water does wonderful things for your body. Some research has even shown that when you drink enough of it and keep your home humidified water can help reduce any asthmatic symptoms you may be suffering from. Other research studies show that about 80% of the human body’s immune system lives in your gut. There is beneficial gut flora living there (a.k.a. good bacteria) but the modern lifestyle will oftentimes decimate it or at the very least cause it to become unbalanced. This happens through things like antibiotic prescriptions. However, you can replenish this flora by adding fermented foods to your diet. You may even enjoy making some of these foods yourself. Regardless as to whether these foods are homemade or store-bought, even you’ll enjoy having a healthier diet to boost your energy at work which helps you feel active, motivated or productive.


With all these simple choices available to you, hopefully, you can now see that making it through the day while choosing to live in a healthy manner is simply a matter of making these choices correctly. Each moment of the day we’re faced with these choices and it’s up to us to make them right. In doing so you will be on your way to both looking and feeling better.

While some of these changes will be noticeable to you throughout the year, make sure you look back on them at the end of the year to see how much better you are now doing.

Regardless of how challenging you may find things to be along the way, ultimately, you’ll be glad you’ve done this.

Thanks for reading…

