Welcome to the Pandemic Life

How living through a global pandemic has altered our perception of “normal.”

Jennifer MacDonald
Be Unique


Remember New Year’s Eve in 2019?

Everyone thought the idea of entering the year 2020 was going to be fabulous. I remember a friend saying, “how cool is it that we’re going to be living in the 20s?” We were expecting things to shift and exciting things to happen.

I guess it’s true what they say though — be careful what you wish for.

I don’t think anyone was truly prepared for what 2020 had in store. It feels like there’s this dividing line that exists now. There’s the “before COVID times” and the “after COVID times.”

There is no denying that life as we knew it has entirely changed at this point.

The only question is, will these changes be permanent?

Is this the new normal?

Before the pandemic hit this year, the checklist for leaving your house included things like keys, wallet, purse. Now we’ve also added things like hand sanitizer and masks to the list. These have become essential items that we must make sure we have before leaving the house. Even though face coverings have been mandatory attire here for almost two months now, I still have to actively remind myself to make…



Jennifer MacDonald
Be Unique

I’m a dreamer who lives with Scoliosis and late-diagnosed AuDHD. I’m an avid reader and a total nerd at heart. I like to share my thoughts on things.