What Changed When I Did Yoga For An Entire Month?

I developed a new lifestyle!

Ons Bouneb
Be Unique
3 min readApr 29, 2021


Photo by Carl Barcelo on Unsplash

Starting a habit is difficult, you must be consistent and work sustainably on it.

I am not new to yoga; I practice it last year for a good period, and then I stop doing it.

With the beginning of the year, it’s a great opportunity to start again. I recently implemented habits in my life. Yoga was one of them. I stack to the yoga with Adriane in her yoga channel where she posts a video per day coordinated with breath challenges.

I showed up every day for 30 days. On my mat, I even invested in a fancy one so that I became committed.

Fun fact? I cried in almost every session. Maybe I found relief while breathing well, or maybe because I had the chance to have more reflection while training.

I enjoyed the silence while practicing. This made me definitely have to rethink my decisions, and how to plan next.

Did I become the best yogi? Of course not.

Sad fact: I can’t stand on my head or even do the move. In fact, this was not the point of starting yoga. The major reason to rediscover me in my journey of awareness.

Well, from the beginning; this was not my goal, I only needed to improve my lifestyle and make my routine more diverse.

The lockdown had more impact on me than I could imagine, so having to do physical activity was not easy. I regained the weight that I lost and saw some changes in my ritual.

Yoga was a light alternative, a 30 minutes season was enough to take me on a spiritual journey.

Yoga was also beneficial for me, not only spiritually. It helped me to be more flexible and to reduce my back pain. The point that increased lately.

So what you need to start?

So those are some initials:

A device to play the guided video on it (your laptop, your phone, your TV, your tablet) then a good mat, or a blanket, or your carpet, anything to support your back. For clothes, anything tide. The legging is a good option even tho I sometimes do it in my pajama, no judgment!

To make it fancy, you can invest in excellent speakers, a fancy mat, some candles to be in the mood, some cool outfits from your favorite sports brand.

Always keep in mind that nothing is holding you back, and as you see with small gadgets, you can start and then reward yourself with fancy things.

If you are in doubt, remember that all it takes is a sign, and this is the sign you were looking for.

Final thoughts

Yoga was a refuge for me to reconnect with myself and I highly recommend trying it!

If this helped me to be a better person, I do not doubt its effects on you.

Good luck!



Ons Bouneb
Be Unique

Computer Science Engineer| Geek | Writer| Cheerful human