What No One Tells You About Asian Parent Expectations

Growing up with Asian parents be like what?

Katharine Chan
Be Unique



What is a Tiger Mom? Why is there a High Expectations Asian Father meme?

Remember Amy Chua back in the early 2010s when her controversial book about Tiger Mothers blew up around the world?

Chua’s idea that Chinese mothers were superior to Western mothers drew international attention.

Some praised her for suggesting that parents should promote a strong work ethic amongst their children; on the contrary, others criticized her for suggesting that parents should force children to excel at all costs.

I was doing my Master’s at the time and they were talking about her book on the radio and the hosts asked listeners to call in. I really wanted to call in but I felt I could only speak of my experiences as a child.

Now as a parent, I feel I have come full circle to be able to give a more meaningful perspective.

Yes, my parents were Chinese immigrants.

Yes, I was that scholarship kid who got straight A’s, who practiced piano, who spent Saturday mornings at Chinese school. I was that responsible, mature, always does the right thing kid…well at least on the outside.



Katharine Chan
Be Unique

Sum (心, ♡) on Sleeve | Author. Speaker. Wife. Mom of 2 | Embrace Culture. Love Yourself. Improve Relationships | sumonsleeve.com/books