When Someone Turns Against You

And you have no idea what you did

Steve Klubertanz
Be Unique


Has someone ever turned ice-cold toward you out of the blue, and you did not know why?

Everything seemed to be fine. You have known that person for years, chatting with them at gatherings, having a few laughs. They can be very nice and fun to be around — when things are going their way.

Then, at the next gathering, you attempt a conversation, and that person responds with icy glares and curt one-word replies. The daggers in their eyes convey the message clearly: you are on their shit list.

You politely excuse yourself from the cold draft of their presence.

At first, you think “what was that all about?” Those initial doubts surface, wondering if you might be mistaken. Maybe they are just having a bad day. Maybe they are being cold toward others too.

Then you see that person engaged in a pleasant conversation with someone else. That confirms it. Their problem is with you. But why?

You start to replay past conversations in your mind, trying to figure out what you said or did that might have triggered their negative behavior towards you.

Normally, if you think hard enough, you can likely pinpoint at least one stupid action or sarcastic quip where you say to…



Steve Klubertanz
Be Unique

Casual observations of the world around me. Trying to make my mark in the world, bit by bit.