When’s The Last Time You Really Felt Excited?

Alicia | Marketing & Sales Coach
Be Unique
Published in
3 min readOct 9, 2018


Finding a way to put passion back in your life.

When was the last time you woke up excited about the day ahead of you?

When you have passion in your life, you take on project with enthusiasm. You become a person who goes for it even when things are difficult.

Passion can be a powerful tool.

But if you feel like you are stuck and don’t see a light at the end of the tunnel then you may not feel like it’s possibly to find passion again.

It’s possible, I promise. I have been there. But I have claimed it and I can see the light.

Why is it important to have passion in your life?

Because if you aren’t excited, if you don’t look forward to anything, you live in a shade of gray. Going through the tasks everyday and looking forward to the end of the week. Your body and mind are present but your heart isn’t.

It’s time to change that.

Find Your Strengths

What are the things that you are talented at? What can you do so easily that you aren’t sure if it’s important?

Take a moment and write them down.



Alicia | Marketing & Sales Coach
Be Unique

I help online business owners hit their first $5k months by learning how to market and sell their offers, sign clients consistently through learning sales.