Why Goal Setting Is (Probably) Killing Your Dreams

You can’t “goal” your way out of limited beliefs

Jamie Jackson
Be Unique


This article is for those who feel disillusioned, for those who feel uninspired, for those who work hard, set goals, and do all the things they’re meant to do but for some reason, still feel oddly unfulfilled. This article might be the remedy. It is a reminder. A gentle nudge back on course. If you feel like this, then this article is for you.

Recently my friend WhatsApp’d me my goals list from 2013. It was out of the blue, he’d stumbled across them when going through some old emails, so I got to look back at my ambitions from all those years ago.

Having a fresh look at the list, I realized something: All my goals were bullshit. Total bullshit.

Here’s the bullshit list:

Have you ever read anything more tame and boring?

Apply for a job… once a month! I hated working in an office and yet one of my goals was to embed myself further in corporate hell.

Another goal: Play one gig with my band in a year. In the whole year!



Jamie Jackson
Be Unique

Between two skies and towards the night. // Email me: jamiejacksonati [at] gmail [dot] com