Why I Choose Love! (And Will no Longer Stay Silent)

Trying to make sense of our political world.

Amanda Clark-Rudolph
Be Unique


A girl takes duct tape off of her mouth.
Photo by Maria Krisanova on Unsplash

I’ve been a people pleaser since I can remember, and for most of my life when it came to controversial conversations, I’d shy away or stay silent. Some close friends never even knew my political affiliation.

Controversy has never been my thing.

Then I became an official writer, and life spilled on the page.

For someone known for shying away from conflict — exposing my innermost opinions and thoughts to the world was terrifying.

But I did it, and in the last three years, I’ve tackled sensitive subjects on parenting, gender inequality, education, and more.

I’ve come a long way and learned that I can’t please everyone. In fact, I never could, so I might as well say what’s on my mind with the underlying effort of staying kind. In other words, live the motto “To thy own self be true” without being a tool.

Lately, I’ve been more transparent because my thoughts about this world resemble an ongoing faucet.

Although I acknowledge some people disagree with me regarding pandemic misinformation, systemic racism, the unnecessary burdens placed on mothers, etc., I will no longer stay silent.



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