Why Introverts Take Relationships Too Seriously

And you should take them too

Nikhil Meshram
Be Unique


Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash

First of all, it is very hard for an introvert to get into a relationship.

Introverts are really bad at socializing, they live a very gleamy life, and they are not really exciting, that's why we call them introverts right? This is the biggest misconception laden on introverts.

Introverts can socialize, make quality friends, and have a very romantic and exciting love life.

There can be hitches at the beginning of every relationship. Every relationship has its own pace. With introverts, it might take a little longer, but once they fall for you you’ll have the greatest time of your life.

To understand why they take their relationship seriously, we have to look at their personality and their approach towards love and relationships.

What Relationship Really Means to Introverts

Introverts have their own world that they enjoy and live exclusively. To let another person into their exclusive world is a bigger commitment than to have a relationship.

For introverts, a relationship does not only means to get involved with someone you like, have fun, and move on. For them, love has more value than sharing a daily routine or



Nikhil Meshram
Be Unique

Mechanical Engineer, Aspirant Author, Curious, Introvert. Latest Book — https://t.co/QTxLvX27Xd?amp=1