Why Saying Less Makes You Wise And Powerful.

Even a fool, when he keeps silent, is considered wise

Sam Ayikeka
Be Unique
3 min readDec 19, 2020


InIn 1852 a new czar ascended the throne of Russia. A rebellion immediately broke out, led by the liberals demanding that the country change its industries and civil structures to catch up with the rest of Europe. After crashing the rebellion, the new czar sentenced one of its leaders, to death. On the day of execution, the rebel stood on the gallows, with the rope around his neck. The trapdoor opened, as he dangled, the rope broke, dashing him to the ground.

Events like this were considered signs of heavenly will at the time, and a man saved from execution this way was usually pardoned. As he got to his feet, bruised and alive, he called out to the crowd, “You see, in Russia, they don’t know how to do anything properly, not even how to make a rope!”

A messenger immediately went to report the news of the failed hanging to the czar. Angry by such disappointment, he began to sign the pardon. Upon signing he asked, “did the rebel say anything about the miracle?”. The messenger replied “he said that in Russia they don’t even know how to make rope.” Immediately the czar reversed the pardon and said, “in that case let us prove the contrary”. The next day, the rebel was hanged again, and this time the rope did not break.

Listen more than you speak.

Being silent does not mean not uttering a word. It just means talking when there’s a need for it. The word silent has the same letters used to spell listen. What this means is that being silent means listening and improving on what you already know.

Nelson Mandela learned a valuable lesson from his father who was a tribal leader. The men always sat down to discuss as leaders of the community, and Mandela recounts that his father was always the last to speak. This allowed the father the opportunity to listen to what others, have said, and then finally utter his words, and the leaders always saw him as someone wise. When there is no need for you to say something just keep quiet and think.

Wisdom is Found in Silence.

The ancient book of wisdom says “Even a fool, when he keeps silent, is considered wise; when he closes his lips, he is considered prudent.” The writer of that text was the wisest man that ever lived and he penned down such words. The ancient men of old who were considered to be wise were always found quiet and meditating. They only uttered words when the need arises for that, and anytime they spoke it was considered wise.

Back in my primary school days, there was this adage that “empty barrels make the most noise”. Surprisingly, most of the smart people didn’t talk much in class, always keeping to their books. Anytime they raised their hands to answer questions the rest of us would marvel at how smart they were. To be powerful learn to say less than necessary and you appear greater and wiser. When people know that all you know is what you’ve just said and you have nothing to say again, then they lose respect for you.

Know the difference.

Keeping silent all the time is a sign of weakness. Back in primary school, those who were too silent were also not smart. There are times when it is unwise to be silent. When there is a need for you to speak, do so. In a group always make sure you listen before you speak. Know when to keep quiet and know when to speak. If you forget anything don’t forget this; speak when there’s a need for it and speak with power.

Thank you.

