Why Words?

Because words can give freedom or chain us

Words by Egypt
Be Unique


Why words?

Because words can give freedom or chain us. They can enclose our minds or open our hearts. They can evoke wonder or incite confusion. To yield such magic with words is my burden and my blessing.

Why words?

Because words can create magic in our hearts and in the world. They can transport our minds to lands created and bring forth lands forgotten. They can ever provide respite in an often tumultuous world.

Why words?

Because words can be a tool for us to create meaning. Meaning in our own lives, and meaning in the lives of others. They can help us make peace with our losses. or discover a once hidden courage.

Why words?

Because words can break a spell of darkness, and rescue us from the darkest pits of despair. They can shine light into our world once more. Reminding us of hope once lost.

So my dear friend I say…why not words?

Writer’s Note: Egypt (The Conscious Wordsmith) is a writer, poet, and minimalist. She explores the intersection of creativity, writing, and conscious living HERE.



Words by Egypt
Be Unique

Essayist, Poet, and Writer. Dancing at the intersection of words and thoughts. https://ko-fi.com/wordsbyegypt