My New Year’s Resolution

Erin Meyer
Be Unsung
Published in
2 min readJan 2, 2017

As the year comes to an end, it is time once again to set a New Year’s resolution.

I don’t know about you, but my resolutions don’t always stick. That resolution last year to take what I called a “mindful minute” daily didn’t exactly work out. I had the best of intentions to simply slow down and stop everything for one minute. I set an alarm and everything. However, sometimes I simply was too busy (which is exactly why I needed and should have taken that mindful minute). I heard the alarm and thought to myself I would do it once I was done with my project, but then I would forget and not get to it.

Don’t get me wrong, my small resolution of a mindful minute had the potential to positively impact my life (just search Google for all of the benefits to mindfulness), but it only impacted my life and perhaps the lives of those directly around me because I would be less stressed and such.

This year I want to make my resolution something bigger. Something that affects the world. Not only will this hold me accountable to it, but it will make a difference.

This year I am making my resolution to not waste anything. As a food waste advocate and writer for Unsung, this of course means I will not be wasting food. However, I will also be working to not waste water and other precious resources. On a personal note, I will also not waste my time or waste my energy on unimportant things. I am going to really focus my time and energy on food waste by educating people and enhancing awareness about the issue.

I would love for you to join me by making your New Year’s resolution to #NotWaste. Together we can all reduce food waste, #hackhunger and live in a better world, if we resolve to do so.



Erin Meyer
Be Unsung

Running the streets and advocating for sustainable eats.