3 Steps to Convert Followers into Users and Customers

Growth Hacking through Content Sharing

Michael Cheng
Growth Hacker


This is not a guide to build your follower base. This is a guide for converting your followers into users and customers. If you have a network, and you have a call to action, then this will help you bridge the gap.

This is a simple 3-step guide on growth hacking through content sharing. You’re not a thought leader, you’re not a good writer, so what do you do?

Step 1: Find Great Content on Alltop

You may not be as eloquent as Paul Graham, but fortunately there are tons of great content out there. Alltop.com features trending content in every niche you can imagine, and it updates in real time. The headlines are attractive and the content is trending, in other words, there is a high chance your followers will click through if you share it.

Step 1:
Discover with

Step 2: Share Consistently with Buffer

For this to scale, you need efficiency. Buffer is a social scheduling tool that lets you schedule tweets or facebook posts in advance. For example, you can pick 10 articles and use Buffer to send them out in 2 hour intervals throughout the day.

Step 2:
Share with http://bufferapp.com

Step 3: Embed call to actions with Sniply

The final and most important step is to embed your call to action into the articles you’re sharing. Sniply is a link shortener that lets you embed a message into the page itself. For example, you can include a link to download your app, buy your book, register for an event, etc.

Step 3:
Convert with

Last but not least, be creative with your call to action. Include an exciting announcement, offer a freebie, maybe an exclusive discount, or an event invitation. Just like any marketing strategies, A/B test different messages and watch the analytics.

In summary, you just learned how to find content with high click through rates, how to consistently share content worth clicking, and how to embed messages into those pages. This guide helps you deliver the call to action to your followers, all you have to do is come up with an enticing message.

Good luck!

