Peering into a Lifetime

Never-ending love, never-ending life

Carl Godlove
Be Yourself Blog
2 min readFeb 20, 2019


Agnes Yamashiro and John Carlton Godlove, IV
Great-grandmother and Great-grandson
Gma and Jack
91 years and 14 days
February 19, 2019

This is what unconditional, infinite love looks like.

This is what the deepest exchange between souls looks like.

This is what peering into a lifetime looks like.

Gma and Jack were locked in this extraordinary exchange for a half hour.

I imagined her sharing special moments and events from the 33,367 days that separate the beginning of her earthly journey and his.

I imagined she was also bringing another “Jack” into this conversation. The love of her life, long ago. One who passed too soon, leaving their family in her care. I imagined him joining this union. Holding his gaze with hers. Intermingling his stories and love.

I imagined Gma traveling to her past to imbue baby Jack with a deep knowledge of the Yamashiro heritage. I imagined the most extraordinary download of family history and rich life experiences through the generations.

I imagined baby Jack taking it all in. Every morsel. Enchanted.

I imagined…

…or did I?

Daily, we move through so much more than our physical senses can perceive.

What woke me at 1:00AM and compelled me to write this?

I can viscerally feel that it is the same force, the same energy, the same Love that joined Gma’s soul, and likely many others, in silent communion with Jack. The same force that forever breathes Love and Life into all of us, every one, from the moment of our creation.

Some may say, “Yes, Carl, you imagined this.”
But my soul feels otherwise.

Those precious moments have a purpose beyond a touching encounter. Beyond words. Beyond conscious thought. Agnes had something to convey. And Jack was tuned to receive.

Flow. My soul felt it then. My soul feels it now.

Imagination? I think not.
But if it is, I’m eternally grateful for a rich one.



Carl Godlove
Be Yourself Blog

I try to leave people a little better than I found them, and inspire others to do the same.