Craftsmen vs. Non-Doer

Danny Holtschke
Be Yourself
Published in
3 min readMar 18, 2016

By Danny Holtschke

I think some people — let’s call them craftsmen — feel guilty (especially in earlier years of their life, and I certainly do) because they are driven to work on something great. To follow whatever they need to follow and to work as hard on it as possible to make it happen.

To make work that matters.

That makes them work a LOT.

But everyone else — let’s call them non-doers — in their life who can’t relate to this craftsmanship mentality tells them to keep a balance. To take a break. To stop doing.

The non-doers can’t see what the craftsmen see.

They can’t see the craftsmanship. They can’t see that our work doesn’t feel like work. They can’t believe that this is actually possibly to work on something with deep conviction and belief.

The non-doer might feel trapped. Not realizing that it’s not the cubicle, friends, parents that make them feel trapped but their own mindset.

Craftsmen have a growth mindset.

Non-doers have a fixed mindset.

Thoughts for Non-Doers

You can acquire a growth mindset. Don’t be limited by your thoughts or what other people tell you what you are capable of. Find it out for yourself by actually doing and starting something.

It can be small. In fact, it should be small. An event. A meetup.

This way you become a producer.

A craftsman.

Thoughts for Craftsmen

Admit to yourself that right now you want to make this idea or dream a reality. As you strongly believe in it and already anticipate a future no one else is seeing, try not to balance your life.

Instead, try to enjoy the tension in your life. Try to enjoy your craft. Live it. Breath it. Don’t be stopped by others. Don’t look for approval. Don’t look for acceptance.

Practice your art. Day in. Day out.

Something beautiful will happen.

There is nothing worse than regretting something you didn’t try.

It’s Easy to Identify Craftsmen

Last weekend I stumbled upon a barista in Ubud, Bali that inspired me soooo much. The café is called Seniman Coffee Studio. He also owns a coffee roastery and exports his amazing coffee to Korea, Japan and Taiwan.

I kept watching him for an hour. We ended up chatting and he made me try at least 5 different tastes of coffees — always done differently.

I am fascinated by people who perform an art deliberately …

What do you practice every day that makes you proud?

I write daily.

Surely, I am not there yet in terms of style, copy and mindfulness.

But I am not not doing it anymore. I want to put out my thoughts out there to help people start doing. Start believing in yourself.

It took me verrrrry long, but it’s possible. Of course, it’s possible. You just need to start :)

I also meditate daily as part of my morning routine. That helps me to be mindful throughout the day. Sometimes I sit in silence and stillness as a break from work. I know it sounds cheesy but for me mindfulness is liberating, making me more of whom I am.

Share your ❤ below — and respond with your thoughts.

I am looking forward to hearing from you.


About Danny: Hi, I bring ‘BE YOURSELF’ to my next level by sharing unfiltered, no BS thoughts here. I started StartupGeist to help students and recent graduates build a business — and have a good life. | StartupGeist |

Originally published at on March 17, 2016.



Danny Holtschke
Be Yourself

Creative problem solver at @AJSmartUX ❤️ I surrender to the spiritual path of self-discovery 🌈 Please give my #podcast a listen