What Am I Here For?

Regardless of Working on StartupGeist — Part1

Danny Holtschke
Be Yourself
5 min readMay 12, 2016


By Danny Holtschke

I asked myself “what am I here for” regardless of working on StartupGeist.

I’d like to share my thoughts here…


I consider myself a compass in an overwhelmingly complex and busy world where millennials are looking for guidance, help, and love.


I only share stuff that I tried and can relate to. It’s not meaningless stuff. I speak out of experience with as little ego and judgment as I can offer.


I give my best in delivering a compass for us — a compass of knowledge and actions to start a business. To become an entrepreneur AND maybe — even more importantly — live a GOOD life.

Good Life

A life we have control over and work we choose and work that matters. Because if we’re free, financially independent, healthy, and engage in meaningful relationships … We can’t wish for more.

Meaningful Achievements

It’s our foundation to engage in life. Every moment we tackle even bigger challenges and contribute solutions to meaningful problems!


Let’s not become “knowledge acquiring machines” that intellectually think, but don’t act.


The art of life is practice. Is doing. Is applying what we learned and constantly refining our actions.


To ultimately build the right habits for now that suit our life situation and help us to be focused, self-aware and caring.


I openly share my journey — from nothing to let’s see.

I am just starting.

Even though I have been trying for many years — building a startup, becoming a freelancer, building a passive income business, building an expertise — it still feels like I am starting, learning and growing every day.


At an ever accelerated speed …

because I am NOW more honest to myself. Because I know myself better NOW than any time before.

I am better at discovering the lies I have been telling myself that once stopped me from moving forward.

I failed to launch my podcast for too long.

I failed to launch a blog for too long.

I failed in my first startup.

The main reason: mindset.

By unlocking the StartupGeist, I am acquiring the right mindset and don’t see these failure as failure but consider them learnings as part of my journey.

Education Fault

There is NO alternative to StartupGeist for me because my prior education didn’t prepare me for the entrepreneurial journey. That’s when I realized that I need to self-teach myself this stuff. I need to get mentors and coaches — both physically and mentally.

So I ended up listening to countless of podcasts, read an outnumbered list of books to arrive at a point where I am today.


I feel a deep sense of belonging, achievement and fulfillment. A deep conviction for what I do and how I do it.


As I said, I deliberately practice skills of being focused, being self-aware and caring to build the right habits and the right mindset. But I also experiment with diet, sleep and relationship models to find out what I want and how it fits my entrepreneurial life.


This is stuff I share as well! Lessons learned from Eckhart Tolle “Practicing the Power of Now” or David Deida’s book “The Superior Man” that helped me to realize who I am and what I want to do.

I believe in mindfulness, not just meditation in the morning or evening. It’s a moment to moment practice.

Over the years, I compiled a huge knowledge base of things that helped me. I want to share this with you.

Digital KnowHow Base

I am constantly updating a knowledge base as a foundation for my actions.

The reason why I created it is simply.

Finding good stuff in the right moment on Google is hard. The gold nuggets are hidden and outlouded by the junky info. And even if you find good stuff, it’s hard to implement it because you might not need it right now but later.

Digital Organisation System

So you need a system to remember you. A system that calms you. A system that is like your second brain — digitally speaking!

The knowledge base and the search for learning and actions are my way to hold on to something in stressy and emotionally challenging times! It’s my foundation.

I believe it helps me to achieve great things and deliver work that matters!

German Efficiency (aka Digital Productivity & Focus System)

I am German. I am about efficiency. That’s why I share my productivity system that allows me to work on and not in my business.

I believe in focus and organization to relax my monkey brain. I believe in the getting things done approach.

Team Culture

I believe that the ONLY competitive advantage of any business is culture — how a team works together.

It goes beyond tasks, deadlines and projects. It goes deeper than friendships. It’s about sharing love and compassion for each other. To care for each other. I envision companies of the future to be like families.

Finally Danny …

Why are you doing StartupGeist?

  • I want to facilitate inspirations (podcast) and share my learnings about designing my ideal life — healthy, focused, rich of love and challenges, new adventures based on freedom and financial independence.
  • I want to help millennials design their ideal life and cope with the challenges of our times, change their mindset and don’t be self-limited.
  • I want to teach a complete lifestyle approach. A system that consists of best practices. Not using labels. To create a good life. Allowing everyone to find his/her truth.
  • I want to guide millennials. They are desperately looking for someone to guide and lead them. I have the potential to do so in a NO-Ego way.
  • I want to leverage and make use of the current accelerating technological progress (Singularity) and spiritual awakening into one lifestyle approach — into a life philosophy. A foundation for us to live — to be focused, to be self-aware, and be caring. Ultimately, to fearlessly love and be healthy. By mastering skills and establishing habits that Uni’s and parents aren’t or can’t really teach us.
  • The art of being entrepreneurial is a marathon approach to life, not a sprint.

Welcome to StartupGeist —

The Art of Being Entrepreneurial

The StartupGeist will bring the truth within us alive.

Share your ❤ below — and respond with your thoughts.

I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Fearlessly love and build the life you truly deserve.

About Danny: I choose to be happy. I love fearlessly. I practice the Art of Being Entrepreneurial to build businesses — & have a good life. Go to http://StartupGeist.com

Originally published at dannyholtschke.com on May 11, 2016.



Danny Holtschke
Be Yourself

Creative problem solver at @AJSmartUX ❤️ I surrender to the spiritual path of self-discovery 🌈 Please give my #podcast a listen http://startupgeist.com/podcast