What Do I Want To Stand For?

Regardless of Working on StartupGeist — Part2

Danny Holtschke
Be Yourself
5 min readMay 13, 2016


By Danny Holtschke

I asked myself “What do I want to stand for?” regardless of working on StartupGeist.

I feel a stronger pull towards the concept building businesses and creating a good life based on mindful, conscious principles.

I believe that being an entrepreneur allows you to do so.

It can be our path for growth, happiness, and fulfillment of we manage our energy and well-being enough!

I want to speak about meditation, mindfulness and other “spiritual practices” because they help us to grow personally. They could be labeled “personal development”.

The stronger, the more empathic human being I become — a better version of myself, continuously every day — the more likely I will be doing meaningful work without EGO … with a great team effort, with a great mission, with great responsibilities, …

I consider money purely a transactional medium that allows me to live the life I want. I thrive for financial independence and wealth and always keep in mind that money won’t make me happy!

So I aim to be emotional stable by “having enough”.

I won’t resist more money either ( — and eventually, I’ll make a ton of money), but the ‘more’ it’s not what I live for.

It’s not about labels — being an entrepreneur, artist, musician, or whatsoever … Whatever I want to do, I should do. I don’t limit myself by labeling myself.

For instance, let’s not label ourselves an artist who isn’t supposed to make money. Let’s not label ourselves an entrepreneur who screws people, is greedy or overworked and so unhappy.

I resist this societal pictures and stories of certain professions. I want to be aware of them and not follow them. Why not to combine Stoic and Zen Buddhism principles?

I acknowledge though that these labels might help others to understand what I do and put me into a category but I believe it’s stupid. Why should I be put into categories and limit myself to the norms and beliefs of that category.

I rather prefer an open not judging (and not blaming) approach to life.

By aiming at having a good life, I might start to realize that I can do whatever I want to do — and the what I do, certainly changes over time. Again — no limits, no categories, just joy and pure compassion and deep conviction about whatever it is I do.

I believe by starting something — by actually doing we will discover who we are, what we are good at and how we handle difficult situation.

By doing we will grow as a man. Become more masculine, more mindful. We simply become a better version of ourselves living up to our values and routines we set for ourselves.

I believe by starting a business — lifestyle, software, lifestyle — we will not only grow but also reach financial stability and so freedom. Both things help us to be emotional stable. Emotional stability makes us happy and fulfilled and allows us to tackle bigger challenges. And committing to start something entirely else (a family, a bigger business, again whatever you want!) or joining a bigger cause (startup, NGO, political party).

— Concluding, I believe building a small (digital) business (some call it lifestyle business) help us to achieve all this. We build a business to solve a problem for a few people. We solve a problem when we become an expert at something. An expert is someone who knows more about something than the people he serves.

Let’s serve people. Let’s help them grow and suffer less with the products we build and the services we offer.

It’s Not About Being an Entrepreneur

It becomes clearer now that it’s not about being an entrepreneur, but about creating a good life. Being an entrepreneur is actually one of the best ways to do so.

Money is the reward (product) NOT the goal (purpose) of being an entrepreneur.

My purpose of being an entrepreneur is:

For me, survival (making a living) is not the goal of being an entrepreneur, but rather significance (making a difference).

Hence, I focus on helping millennials to start, to act, to do.

By doing they will discover who they are, build their soft skills, build an expertise, build the right habits by following good routines. All this leads to a good life.

Life is awesome. Life is beautiful.

Life doesn’t need to be stressful and awfully overwhelming!

Life can be all of that we want … If we work on ourselves, if we change, if we believe in ourselves, there are no limits — only the ones we set for ourselves.

Where does this belief come from?

From experiences. From doing as a proof to ourselves that We can do this. We are not limited … Only limited by your own thoughts.

We don’t need permission from anyone — not from your parents, or friends. The only thing we need is TRUST and LOVE in ourselves that things will turn out right.

Let’s trust our truth. Let’s see what works for each of us. There is no silver bullet. We need to test and do stuff for ourselves.

As soon as we find a routine that feels easy — almost like a natural habit — stick to it and deliberately practice it.

The Practice of a Good Life

From this continuous practice comes execution and so progress. From progress comes making stuff happen.

From making stuff happen comes financial stability and freedom from which comes emotional stability and happiness and fulfillment.

From which comes a good life.

Shall we start?

Welcome to StartupGeist —

The Art and Science of Being Entrepreneurial.

Share your ❤ below — and respond with your thoughts.

I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Fearlessly love and build the life you truly deserve.

About Danny: I choose to be happy. I love fearlessly. I practice the Art and Science of Being Entrepreneurial to build businesses — & have a good life. Go to http://StartupGeist.com

Originally published at dannyholtschke.com on May 12, 2016.



Danny Holtschke
Be Yourself

Creative problem solver at @AJSmartUX ❤️ I surrender to the spiritual path of self-discovery 🌈 Please give my #podcast a listen http://startupgeist.com/podcast