A What? Veggetti.

What the heck is that?

Sarah Case
Beachbody Challenge


Tonight I decided to try something new, albeit a little weird — Squash Spaghetti. Yes, you read that right. Let me write it again just in case you glazed over it. Squash Spaghetti.

A few weeks ago a friend of mine told me how she has tossed the pasta and has started using squash noodles instead. Brian and I are huge fans of squash and zucchini, so it seemed like a perfect fit.

The night started out easily enough.

Brian and I went to the store to purchase a Julianne peeler. We couldn't find one. No problem. We “got this”.

Brian goes to the “As Seen On TV” section. I kind of rolled my eyes at him when he picks up this contraption called “Veggetti”. Not only was this something with the “As Seen On TV” gimmick…errr…I mean logo, but it also had a name similar to “vagina”. Whoever named this must have been a man! Brian goes on to tell me how a guy at work has one and how great it works.

Ok, fine.

We get home with the “Veggetti” and I tear into it right away. At this point, it’s already 5 (our usual dinner time) and my stomach is roaring!

I wash my squash and zucchini. Then I read the directions of the Vegetti. It’s super easy. It basically says “Put vegetable into Vegetti and twist. Do not chop fingers off.” Ok, good point. I’ll try not to do that.

I begin to twist. And twist and twist and twist and twist.

One thing the directions didn't tell me to do was to chop the noodles at my desired length BEFORE I get to the end of it. It was pretty hard to do this after the fact. #lessonlearned

After all the twist and chopping is done, it’s time to cook my “pasta”. This should be easy enough, right? WRONG. So wrong.

Ok, so I suppose that this part would have gone a lot better had I trust my initial instinct. The instructions say that if you’re going to boil your noodles to only do it for 1 1/2-2 minutes. I let mine go 5….and they turned out to be complete mush. Had I taken the noodles out when I had taste-tested them and they were still a bit crunchy, I would have come out a winner. But alas, I did not. It’s ok — there’s always next time!

Even though my noodles were mush, the rest of the meal turned out great. I would say that tonight’s meal was an overall success.

So the verdict on the “Veggetti”? Even though it’s name is eerily close to “vagina”, it’s a winner in my book. It did exactly what I needed it to do, and very efficiently. The best part — it’s dishwasher safe! Woop woop!


