Beginning Cultivator’s Guide to Cloning Cannabis

It’s easier than you think

Cat Winske
Beaches and Weed


Cannabis Clones by Beaches and Weed photographer, Tiffani Renee

If you’re anything like I was before I earned my green thumb, you hear the word “clone” and picture some futuristic procedure straight out of a science fiction novel.

But, lucky for us, clones are simply what regular gardeners call “cuttings.” You know the ones grandma used to leave sitting around in glasses of water? Well, grandma wasn’t as eccentric as you think. She was making new plants from her favorite specimens and saving money in the process.

While it’s possible to use grandma’s technique to clone cannabis, you’ll increase your chances of success if you follow the procedures of the ganja-growing pros.

Why Clone Cannabis?

Cloning cannabis ensures that you’ll get an exact replica of your heartiest plants. You’ll be able to reproduce your favorite buds, and you can be sure that 100% of your new babies will be female.

Even feminized seeds aren’t entirely guaranteed to produce all females. Depending on the process used to produce them, some feminized seeds yield a high percentage of hermaphrodite plants.

Hermaphrodites, also called “hermies,” have both male and female reproductive organs. Hermies can pollinate themselves and the rest of your crop…

