Calling All Travel Writers

Beaches and Weed wants your stories!

Cat Winske
Beaches and Weed


map with passport, brochures, and sunglasses
Photo by GeoJango Maps on Unsplash

Write for us! Beaches and Weed is seeking travelers and ex-pats who want to tell us their stories, give our readers some tips, and showcase their best work. Although it’s not a requirement, we’re especially interested in articles that tie in with the subjects of beaches and cannabis. For example:

  • Tell us about your favorite local beaches
  • Show us the most 420-friendly hostels you’ve found
  • Share a funny story about consuming cannabis in a foreign country

How to Become a Writer for Beaches and Weed

Email us at Please send a link to related work and provide your @mediumusername. If we like what we read, we’ll add you as a writer.

Beaches and Weed Style Guide

  1. Articles must conform to Medium Rules.
  2. Please follow Medium’s Curation Guidelines to give your articles the best chance of success.
  3. Kickers are optional but appreciated.
  4. We prefer scannable articles with appropriate subheadings and bulleted lists.
  5. Please include “travel” as one of your tags.
  6. Authors must cite sources for quotes, research, and photos.
  7. Beaches and Weed loves the Oxford comma.
  8. We accept work that has been previously published on your own website. No problem.

We look forward to reading your work, and we will put your articles on a regular rotation on all of our social networks.

