Creating a hook for your pitch is tough. Now there’s an alternative!

Gary Brady
Published in
6 min readDec 9, 2019


Photo by Kiril Dobrev on Unsplash

What if you have something incredible to pitch, but you can’t get the most important detail quite right?

We’ve all been there before. We’ve done the work to craft a pitch that’s short, just like we are supposed to. Did the work to make a compelling deck to support the narrative. Loaded the pitch with valuable insights and data points📈. Then got stuck on the most important part of the pitch… the Hook. After all, it’s how you’re going to capture the attention of those in the room.

So, what if you can’t come up with an effective hook?

Here’s the good news

There’s an alternative to the tried-and-true hook. It’s known as the anticipatory set.

The purpose of the anticipatory set is to provide continuity from the audiences’ previous experiences. In the anticipatory set, the presenter alludes to familiar concepts in order to reintroduce the audience to a topic that they likely have some previous knowledge of. It primes the audience to understand the topic in a new way, and from an…



Gary Brady

Technologist & Entrepreneur turned Educator | Co-founder of Beachhead a product brokerage 📦