Recap: Beam Mobile Wallet Quiz Competition

Beam Africa
Published in
4 min readMay 8, 2020

Hello Africa!

We trust you are all safe from the pandemic. In light of the Covid19 virus keeping the world on lockdown, the Beam Africa community decided to help her members ease the boredom of staying home all day. A quiz competition was set which was held on the 2nd of May in the Beam Africa Telegram group.

The Beam Africa Mobile Wallet Quiz Competition was the first to be conducted in the history of the community. It witnessed an influx of new members which made the community a beehive of activities all through the day.

The quiz competition saw in attendance, the Beam Africa Lead (Agbona Igwemoh), the Global Community Lead (Angus Sullivan), even the Beam Africa Port Harcourt and Lagos Leads graced the occasion with their presence. The quiz was moderated by yours truly, Scarlet.

Questions for the quiz were drawn mostly from the mobile wallet; features and use cases. A few extra questions came from basic knowledge of the community in terms of leadership. The list of questions asked and their corresponding answers are outlined below:


1. There are 2 levels of protection available in your wallet. What are they?

Ans: Password, Fingerprint Facial Recognition

2. What is the function of the “eye” feature on the Beam Wallet and where is it located?

Ans: It makes the amount of coin you have invisible and is located at the top right of the wallet.

3. What happens if you lose access to your wallet, or forget your password?

Ans: You can restore the wallet with your seed phrase

4. When transferring Beam from the telegram bot to your wallet, what are the 3 information you need to feed into the bot?

Ans: /withdraw Beam address and Amount

5. Is the sender wallet address visible in a transaction hash?

Ans: No

6. In Beam, what does MW stand for?

Ans: MimbleWimble

7. Name 1 exchange where Beam can be bought?

Ans: Binance

8. What year was Beam founded?

Ans: 2018

9. What does the block number 777777 mean to Beam?

Ans: Hardfork

10. What is the first name of Beam’s AFRICA LEAD?

Ans: Agbona


11. Who will benefit from the Hardfork?

A. Users

B. Beam

C. Miners

D. None of the above

E. All of the above

12. Fill in the gap with the corresponding roles

Amir Aaronson — — — — Agbona Igwemoh — — — -


13. Do you have to enter the seed phrase when creating a wallet?

Ans: No. You can skip this step, and will later be prompted to enter the seed phrase when the wallet has above a certain amount of Beam.

14. How can I use an expired address?

Ans: You can activate expired addresses by going to Addresses -> My Expired, editing the address and clicking Activate Address

15. Can I try the wallet if I don’t have any Beam?

Ans: Yes! You can receive a small amount of Beam from the faucet.

16. Why do I get a warning when opening an external link from in the wallet?

Ans: This action will expose your IP to the web server. It can leak data and negatively affect your privacy. For this reason, a warning is given to users.

17. How Many buttons do you find on the Wallet section in the app?

Ans: 3

18. What are they named?

Ans: Send, Receive, Get Coins.

19. What is the singular unit of Beam?

Ans: Groth.

20. What does it take for a beam transaction to complete?

Ans: The receiver needs to open the app to complete the process.

21. How long does it take for an unclaimed Beam transaction to reverse and why?

Ans: 12 hours. It reverses back to the sender when the receiver doesn’t come online within that time.

22. Is it possible to make a wallet address permanent?

Ans: Yes. You can set an address to Never Expire.

Wallet Feedback

So, we thought, since the vast majority of the quiz interaction was centred around the Beam mobile wallet, that presents a great opportunity to ask for feedback from the community. So, we shared a questionnaire with our members and the responses were amazing!

Over 70% of the responders were using the wallet for the first time, also, 91% of the wallet usage was on mobile. The overall feedback on the user experience and useability was a solid 4.7 star.

Final Words

My gratitude goes to the Beam team for putting this fun time together for the benefit of her members to earn while learning. I also want to appreciate everyone who was in attendance. More contests to come in the near future. Please follow our social media pages to stay updated on coming events.

Come discover Beam and join our community!

Download Beam Android Wallet on Google Play

Download Beam iOS Wallet on App Store

Learn more about Beam on our website and blog





Beam Africa

Scarlet is a web 3 writer with expert knowledge in Blockchain and DeFi