An Eager Welcome to the New Advisors

Beam Privacy
BEAM Privacy
Published in
3 min readNov 25, 2018

As the cryptocurrency industry is continuously evolving and providing new solutions to the standards of financial transactions in today’s day and age, the regard for an alternative, private solution within the field is considered crucial and necessary. Mimblewimble, a privacy-valued protocol, is on the roadmap to global impact and widespread influence. This is precisely why the “trailblazers” who map the road to crypto success are the very individuals who must explicitly demonstrate their significant contributions and value in the field.

BEAM is extremely enthusiastic to announce the introduction of additional esteemed advisors to Mimblewimble’s extensive implementation. Rami Kasterstein, Ferdous Bhai, Liraz Siri, and Addison Huegel, all accomplished and highly-mastered individuals contributing to the cryptocurrency industry, will be taking part in the execution of the highly scalable, private, and optin-auditable coin.

Meet Rami Kasterstein — Technologies

Rami Kasterstein, Technology Wizard

Rami Kasterstein is Co-Founder and Board Member at SpaceMesh, a fair blockmesh operating system company designed to run general-purpose, smart, and web-scaled contracts. Rami is managing Scale-up Venture Capital and Scale-Up Crypto Capital, two very notable Palo-Alto-based VCs. These VCs primarily focused on AI and Robotics, AR/VR, Insurance and Finance, Data and Analytics, Next Generation Infrastructure, Shared Economy, in addition to Cryptocurrencies and Tokenisation Ventures. Rami will be assisting with the technological aspects of executing BEAM’s implementation and strategy.

Meet Ferdous Bhai — Mimblewimble

Ferdhous Bhai, Bitcoin Post Maximalist

Ferdous Bhai, a highly-respected Bitcoin Advocate, has established Canada’s largest Bitcoin OTC brokerage, YapCX, and started a high-performance cryptocurrency exchange, ChainRift. Ferdous is an acclaimed proponent of the Bitcoin’s peer-to-peer decentralized permissionless governance being the basis for censorship-resistant money for individual and collective sovereignty. He is committed to facilitating the process of adopting Bitcoin and Privacy Coins in the crypto and business worlds. As a Bitcoin Defender, Bhai will be providing essential marketing and strategy expertise.

Meet Liraz Siri — Cybersecurity and Privacy

Liraz Siri, Cybersecurity Expert, and Social Rights Defender

Liraz Siri, a distinguished professional in cybersecurity, is one of the earliest adopters to the Bitcoin. He managed, a web tool that grants essential data regarding Bitcoin transactions, until 2017. Moreover, Liraz has co-founded Turnkey Linux. Liraz is an active social responsibility and environmental advocate as well; he is an online liberties defender, particularly focused on privacy and security. As an advisor, Siri will bridge the connection between cybersecurity, social ethics, and privacy issues.

Meet Addison Huegel — Communication

Addison Huegel, Communication Magician

Addison Huegel has remarkable vast experience in advising regarded Blockchain and general projects, such as Ethereum Foundation, Kyber Network, Zilliqa, Melonport, Perlin, Aelf, Binance, and more. A Berkley Physics Department Alumnus, Addison has managed Elevator Communication since 2006 and has founded BlockPR, a leading Communication Agency in the Blockchain industry. Currently operating in Munich, Germany, Huegel will be advising BEAM’s PR strategy and general marketing.

A warm and eager welcome is given to the influential individuals who will be joining forces with Guy Corem, Bryan Bishop and Marshal Ball. Looking forward to seeing the effective contributions such individuals who be making in the shaping process of BEAM and Mimblewimble.

