Beam — New Release: Testnet 4

Alex Romanov
BEAM Privacy
Published in
2 min readDec 28, 2018

We are announcing the release of BEAM’s Testnet 4, which contains new features, bug fixes, and documentation improvements.

Please download the Testnet 4 binaries here.

This Testnet is the last stage before BEAM’s Mainnet launch which will occur January 3rd, 2019 at 02:00 PM GMT.

If you already have an older BEAM Wallet, you must remove it. Instructions can be found here. Please note, previous BEAM coins will not migrate to the new version.

Notable changes

* [feature] All: 1 Beam now worths 100M GROTH
* [feature] Miner: mining algorithm changed to Equihash 150,5 with custom data path
* [feature] Miner: openCL miner for Equihash 150,5
* [feature] Desktop and CLI wallets: Increased communication stability (SBBS)
* [feature] Node: new key management mode for mining:
* [feature] Desktop wallet: non-expiring addresses are supported now
* [feature] Desktop wallet: node connectivity indicators
* [update] All: new parameters introduced in respective configuration files
* [docs] All brand new:
* [bug] All: multiple bugfixes and UI improvements (see our Github for details)

For a comprehensive list of changes, see our 4 GitHub milestones. To follow our progress, watch the GitHub project and join the forum.

REMINDER: The Testnet 3 will reach deprecation in a few days, and 3 nodes will automatically shut down at that time.

Update instructions

If you already have installed a previous version of Beam, please follow these steps:

  • remove Beam Wallet current installation
  • delete the directory

Mac: /Users/{your_user_name}/Library/Application Support/Beam Wallet/
Windows: :\Users\{your_user_name}\AppData\Local\Beam Wallet
Linux: /home/{your_user_name}/.local/share/Beam Wallet

ASSISTANCE: If you need some help with this update, please feel free to reach our team on Discord and/or Telegram. Ask for Angus.



Alex Romanov
BEAM Privacy

CTO @BEAM with a strong technological background and managerial skills. Always hands on. Worked on many complex projects with large distributed teams.