Privacy and Congress: What Will Be the Next Step?

Moriah Khalili
BEAM Privacy
Published in
7 min readDec 24, 2018

The Societal Shift to Online Media

In today’s day and age, the use and reliance on technology platforms has been increasingly evident. Society has adapted to a social media-oriented lifestyle that ties all forms of transaction and daily living with the affiliation of platforms that connect one individual to many users on the same platform. These platforms have undoubtedly proven the capability of facilitating the lifestyle of purchase, connection with other individuals, and accessibility of information. There is a clear apparent shift in the everyday processes and activities of individuals, as it gradually becomes more online-centric and revolved around media connecting between users. Influential companies have been experiencing peaks of growth and success as this societal shift has adapted to the highly effective platforms that they offer individuals on a daily basis.

Congress Taking Matters to Its Own Hands

The domination of such dynamic companies that get hold of vast amounts of personal information has been posing a question to Congress. This is whether some sort of standard must be placed in order to protect the information of individuals via responsibility through legislation. This is a legitimate question that Congress has taken into greater consideration since this societal change that brings us to use the online services that are provided to users.

Governmental authorities in the United States have acknowledged the concern that data collection poses on the protection of individuals’ data. In the most recent weeks, Congress has decided to consider various forms of legal implementation to handle data collection. Political leaders within Congress are shining light upon the evident responsibility that the dominating online companies should bear over the control and safeguard of Americans’ private data. This consideration has already been expressed by the form of a congressional bill titled the Data Care Act.” This bill would require specific performed steps to secure the exclusive information collected by these online companies. Another addition to this bill considers the various preventive measures that the firms must hold in order to inhibit the possibility of consumer data misuse.

This overall demonstrates that over time the consideration for data privacy legislation is progressively becoming a significant topic for American policy makers. This is a subject examined even more thoroughly, specifically by American congressional politicians, for up until today there is no specific data privacy law that is applicable and legislated for all fifty states. The implementation and adaptation to changing times by viewing the impact of data-privacy breaches marks the importance of handling the issue as efficiently as possible.

Privacy Outside the Scope of Online Media

As upholding privacy via congressional means is gaining momentum, ensuring no form of data breach is not solely restricted to the lines of online media users within the common platforms but rather, advocating the right to a standard of privacy safety is expanded upon various channels of business. The social foundations of rights and respect encapsulate the morals of personal sovereignty, whether it be associated with social or economic norms. Personal sovereignty, which expresses the backbone of integrity through autonomous exclusive control of one’s personal life, is not restricted within the particular framework of data sharing. This individual decision of association branches out to many factors including the monetary decisions and financial opportunity considerations that people experience throughout their life.

The crypto sector is gradually identified as an emerging and accelerating market through social adaptation. This field aims to promote these values of personal freedom; financial affairs are completed within an imminent blockchain network, which is distinguished as being anonymous when fellow individuals choose to conduct a transaction. In reality, the respective right to privacy is not exclusively granted to fellows within the blockchain network, for the possibility of privacy within negotiation amount is not restricted from view. Therefore the privacy right is not completely given to those engaging in the blockchain market.

If the blockchain market seeks to advance and gain influence within the realm of personal sovereignty (which it aims to stand by in their identity) then privacy freedoms within financial transactions must be completely at the disposal of those who conduct operations in the field. This is the most legitimate and stable way that the cryptocurrency market can maintain its recognition to be sustainable in long-run operation.

As of now, various companies and coins are aiming to target and solve this issue; well-known currencies such as ZCash, Monero, and Verge have built a foundation and framework surrounding these very ideologies. The three listed firms are very influential in the realm of crypto and have contributed to the blockchain growth and effectiveness of the market. As these growing companies are not completely private, but rather partially private, the complete issuance and grant of privacy is still not given.

Other solutions have also made their way to effectively address this freedom that is due to the common man and day-by-day manage to gain recognition for its persistent efforts. Mimblewimble has been engaging acknowledgement for demonstrating a thorough private protocol to users within the blockchain market instead of a partial one. This form of compliance has been channeled via two prominent companies that are fully backing the core of privacy in crypto. These firms are Grin and BEAM. When evaluating the long-term capabilities and efficiencies that both firms execute, BEAM has demonstrated a thoroughly practical and user-friendly experience to the users that it serves and coordinates business affiliations with. If BEAM continues in this manner of correspondence and professionalism at the peak level of performance, the path to achievement within the crypto sector will be constructed with solid foundation, and the possibility to accelerate the long-term advancement in crypto is highly enabled. This is because BEAM enhances the process of channeling of privacy rights to blockchain users, quickening and improving the future growth opportunities of crypto.

BEAM’s Role: Upholding the Value of Privacy

BEAM plays a crucial and effective role within the crypto market that mollifies the issue of privacy breach. Distinguished as a company providing privacy protocols to the blockchain, BEAM recognizes the need to maneuver the responsibility of data privacy, in order to defend the entitled rights of people and endorse the prosperity of individuals in these listed forms, including in crypto. As we grant these social and economic rights by upholding entitled freedoms, we strengthen the very core that is needed to make crypto long-lasting in the future. BEAM is tying the capability to long-run success through supporting financial freedom, which ties between person sovereignty and the monetary sector.

Overall, if congressional representatives are continuously recognizing the need to create some form of responsible compliance with the data that they collect from their users through passed legislation, until today a specific standard for the privacy maintenance of the user has not been officially addressed. An ethical standard therefore must be regarded within the realm of data privacy. As individuals become more reliant on the using of various technological platforms to complete their daily activities, the aggregation of mass sums of data bring political officials to consider the next step in data protection. This form of well-being comes in several forms, whether it be personal social data, or data related to financial operations.

This safety and awareness is especially relevant to the landmark of crypto transactions as this market aims to be anonymous, yet privacy is still not granted to users. The possibility to provide this freedom and uphold moral standards within the world of blockchain transaction can provide various positive externalities in the future and enable crypto to flourish. BEAM is highly aware of this idea and strives to progress the advancement of privacy in crypto. The ethical standpoints behind the congressional acts aimed to aid the everyday online user and/or consumer are emphasized by BEAM.



Moriah Khalili
BEAM Privacy

Experienced Marketing Coordinator with a demonstrated history of diligently working in Writing and Social Media Management . Skilled in Public Speaking