How To Choose The Right Size Storage Unit

So you now figured out that you need a storage unit to store your different-sized items, great! But how do you know what size is the right size for you? We are here to help! When choosing a storage unit, one of the toughest decisions is what storage unit size you need. You don’t want to pay for space that you won’t need, but you certainly don’t want to run out of space also. Here at BEAM Space, we offer a Storage by Space plan perfect for your storage needs.

Man carrying box

We rounded up some questions to ask yourself to find the right storage unit size for your needs:

  1. How many items do you need to be stored?
    Do you have a lot of items that need storing or just one box? If possible, the best way to start is to estimate all the dimensions of your items, afterwards, stack and move them around until you find the best way to save space and start measuring it. Once you’ve put all those items together, you’ll be able to measure in estimate how much space you need.
  2. How long do you intend to have it, and will you be adding to it over time?
    If there’s a chance you’ll be adding to your storage unit, then it’s always best to have some extra space. Moving storage units can be tough, so don’t put yourself in that position. Unless you’re certain that you won’t be adding items to your unit, we recommend sizing up to give yourself some more room.
  3. Do you have fragile or oddly shaped items?
    If you’re storing boxes, you’re in a great position. Boxes are easy to stack and are extremely easy to measure. But what about storing a couch, a mirror, a fragile sculpture, and some tools? These things likely aren’t stackable and will need some space in order to make sure they don’t get damaged while in storage. Factor in some extra room when you have these items.

Now that you have a better idea of your storage needs, check out our current Storage by Space options:

15 sq ft.

Dimension: 1m x 1.5m x 1.8m or 3ft x 5ft x 6ft

For visualization purposes only. Actual storage space may vary.

Perfect storage space for personal items, clothes, boxes, small furniture items, documents, children’s toys.

Think of this as an extra closet. It’s perfect for someone who doesn’t need a ton of storage, or someone who wants to store documents or a few other items away from their home in the case of an emergency.

50 sq ft.

Dimension: 1.5m x 3m x 1.8m or 5ft x 10ft x 6ft

For visualization purposes only. Actual storage space may vary.

Perfect storage space for some furniture (sofas, chairs, dresser, mattress), plus small items and boxes.

This is perfect for someone downsizing, or someone with a few pieces of furniture they just can’t part with, even if there’s no room for them at home. It’s also perfect for storing documents, seasonal clothing items, and those things that won’t fit in your garage.

100 sq ft.

Dimension: 3m x 3m x 1.8m or 10ft x 10ft x 6ft

For visualization purposes only. Actual storage space may vary.

Perfect storage space for bulky appliances, typical furniture items, boxes, and smaller items

Think of this as a one-bedroom apartment. Fill it with all the necessities that you’d need regularly. This is perfect if you’re downsizing by a bedroom, or if you’re renovating a room and need to clear the items for a bit.

Special Spaces?

For visualization purposes only. Actual storage space may vary.

Do you want to store with us but need bigger storage space? We can cater to your storage space needs! We can offer bespoke storage space solutions. Just speak to our customer service team to get started.

Are you still unsure what size unit you need? No problem! Email us at or call us/WhatsApp at +65 3129 4445 [Singapore] or +60(3) 2770 0718 [KL] to enquire more about our valet services today!

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