Beamswap monthly recap #28

A new listing on Beamswap, record-breaking volume on Beamex, $PINK airdrops, and an initiative to revive the Moonriver network.

Published in
6 min readMay 8, 2024


GM, Beamswap fam! It’s time for another review of what we’ve been up to in the past weeks. Buckle up, and let’s dive in! 👇

📈 Beamswap v3

🟣 $DED listed on Beamswap

The meme token craze on Polkadot is at its peak, and Beamswap couldn’t just wait on the sidelines.

Enter the $DED token.

$DED was launched as a community response to Polkadot’s current state and evolution. Everyone who holds $DOT was able to claim $DED in airdrop.

$DOT is $DED

Following the popular demand, the $DED token also submitted and passed the proposal to be registered on Moonbeam as an xc (cross-chain $DED) token in late March. Shortly after, it became available on Moonbeam-based DEXs, Beamswap included.

The $DED vs. $PINK season has officially begun! 🚀

You can find the $xcDED token available for trade under the Beamswap Trade section … 👇

The xcDED token up for trade on Beamswap

… or you can allocate it to Beamswap Liquidity Pools. 🏊

xcDED in Beamswap v3 Pool

Either way, get your hands on one of the most popular meme coins on Polkadot and expand your portfolio $DED serious. 🚀

📈 Beamex

🟣 Record-breaking volume

Beamex, the only perpetual DEX on Polkadot, has shown no signs of stopping.

In April, it accumulated over $70,000,000 in total volume, just weeks after hitting the 60 million volume mark! 🚀

These are just some of the reasons Beamex is one of the fastest-growing DEXes in the Polkadot space:

✔️ Fully decentralized limit orders
✔️ Optimal efficiency
✔️ Low cost and price impact
✔️ Advanced trades
✔️ Profit sharing
✔️ And more

Start trading straight from your wallet 👉

🎀 $PINK activities

April at Beamswap was painted pink, pink, pink.

The $PINK token has been making waves across the Polkadot space for months now, and the Beamswap community had expressed their interest in the token loud and clear.

And Beamswap and Beamex delivered. In March and April, the platforms released a series of community-engaging activities to reward the pink-thirsty traders and stakers through $PINK airdrop.

  1. Beamswap $xcPINK trading competition
  2. $PINK Launchpool
  3. $PINK airdrop to active stGLINT Stakers
  4. $xcPINK rewards for BLP stakers on Beamex
  5. Beamex $PINK Trading Competition
  6. $xcPINK — $xcDOT Liquidity Farming

Eager to know the details of each? Look no further. 👇

While most launched and concluded in March already, two activities have dropped pink rewards on Beamswap and Beamex in the past few weeks. 👇

🟣 Beamex $PINK Trading Competition

Beamex, the only decentralized perpetual trading platform on Moonbeam, held $PINK Trading Competition with a whopping 1,000,000 $PINK reward pool. 🏆

The bag of $PINK was distributed among the top 100 traders on Beamex who held a minimum of 34,567 $PINK. 🎀

Need more details? Find them 👉 here.

🟣 $PINK LP Farming

And lastly, the Beamswap DeFi Hub has launched $PINK LP Farming and painted users’ wallets pink.

This time, a staggering 5,000,000 $PINK tokens have been allocated towards the xcPINK <> xcDOT liquidity pool. 🎀

Avid LP farmers have allocated xcPINK and xcDOT liquidity and collected some sweet, triple yields in $GLINT, $stGLINT, and xcPINK. 🍎

$PINK Airdrop Leaderboard

Find the most successful reward collectors on the Beamswap $PINK Airdrop Leaderboard.

All rewards from Beamswap PINK activities have thus been distributed and bags of $PINK tokens found their way to new owners.

Congratulations to all the winners and participants! And stay tuned for more opportunities to grow with Beamswap. 🚀

🚀 Expansion

🟣 Moonriver Proposal

The growth mindset has been fueling Beamswap to reach its current status as one of the DeFi pillars in the Polkadot ecosystem.

And the same mindset has led us to discover potential and opportunities beyond the native chain of Moonbeam.

This time, on the sister parachain of Moonriver on Kusama.

In late April, Beamswap submitted a proposal for a liquidity incentive program and development to reignite Moonriver and to channel increased liquidity back to Kusama Network.

The 470,000 $MOVR worth of liquidity incentives and $150,000 in the platform’s V3 development over one year would reinstate the activities on the currently stagnating network.

With network’s backing, Beamswap’s concentrated liquidity incentives would increase capital efficiency. At the same time, the Moonriver network would profit from higher asset utilization, high efficiency, low slippage on all trading pairs, and sustainability via default fee sharing. A win-win!

Dive into the full proposal on Moonbeam and discuss away. 👇

Interested in just the key points? Check out the proposal’s recap. 👇

📊 Q1 2024 Report

Missed the past few monthly recaps? Discover the main highlights of the first quarter of the year at Beamswap and Beamex in the Q1 2024 Report.

It touches on the platforms’ growth in terms of volume, their back-end and front-end upgrades, a vast range of community activities to boost engagement, and everything in between.

Take a glimpse into the past and get ready for what’s yet to come. 👇

Take advantage of a multitude of features, assets, and options provided by the leading DeFi and perpetual trading platforms in the Polkadot ecosystem — Beamswap and Beamex are here to serve.

Follow our socials to stay in the loop, or start trading today and boost your portfolio. See you under the moonbeam! 🚀🌖

About Beamswap

Beamswap is a DeFi Hub built on the Moonbeam Network featuring a decentralized exchange (DEX) and an automated market maker (AMM). It gives users the freedom of adding liquidity, performing peer-to-peer transactions, swapping fungible tokens, and earning passive income from staking and yield farming. Beamswap will support the growth of Moonbeam’s ecosystem and act as a launchpad for new projects developing on the network. Our team’s mission is to aid in the multichain vision to serve as a host for projects on the Moonbeam & Polkadot Ecosystem while working alongside projects with existing infrastructure looking to bridge into the multichain universe.

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