Moonbeam Grant to boost Beamex BLP Index

Following Gauntlet’s recommendation, the long-term potential of Beamex has been recognized and backed by the ecosystem grant.

Published in
5 min readJun 10, 2024


It’s time for the third installment of Moonbeam grants that support the ecosystem movers and shakers, the most innovative products, and established platforms moving the needle on the network.

Beamex, the Moonbeam-based decentralized perpetual exchange, is one of them.

The grant execution has been confirmed through decentralized voting. In the coming days, the beneficiary projects will gain access to the funds to accelerate their trajectories.

Let’s dive into details.

Season 3 Ecosystem Grants

On May 22, 2024, the Moonbeam Technical Council announced the third tranche of network grants on the Moonbeam Governance Forum.

Distribution of Season 3 Ecosystem Grants (Source: Moonbeam Governance)

The total budget of 4.5 million $GLMR will be distributed among four key DeFi and infrastructure providers in the Moonbeam ecosystem, Beamex included.

Following the grant rules, all selected teams should be ready to launch their incentives on Friday, June 14. Beamswap is eagerly awaiting that date and is prepared to put the funds received into action effectively immediately to maximize the grant impact.

Strategic guidelines by Gauntlet

The grant’s distribution follows guidelines submitted by Gauntlet, a leading and highly experienced DeFi-native economic research firm, in early May.

Recommendations for Moonbeam Ecosystem Grant Allocation by Gauntlet (Source: Moonbeam Governance)

Gauntlet’s guidelines propose the rewarding of Moonbeam Ecosystem Grant funds to the key players in four distinct categories.

  • 30% of the funds to decentralized exchanges (DEXes)
  • 25% to lending protocols
  • 25% to apps that facilitate cross-chain interactions
  • 20% for innovative product development — recommended recipient: Beamswap’s Beamex 🔥

Beamex, an innovation worth backing

As Gauntlet’s strategic insight suggests, dedicating 20% of the funds to innovative products would ignite creativity and experimentation within the Moonbeam ecosystem.

In this context, the project that stood out for Gauntlet is Beamex, Beamswap’s perpetual decentralized exchange.

Perpetuals trading on Beamex

According to Gauntlet, Beamex is “well-positioned to capitalize on the dynamic and rapidly growing perpetuals market”. Demonstrating the potential to become the leading perpetuals protocol in the Moonbeam ecosystem, Beamex deserves continued investment in the platform’s development.

But it’s not only about the platform itself. With ecosystem’s backing of the perpetuals trading field, a new wave of financial instruments could follow suit, attracting more professional traders and institutional participants, and ultimately expanding platform’s user base and liquidity.

Much like derivatives in TradFi significantly surpass spot and retail trading, the perpetual and derivative trading shows outstanding potential for growth within DeFi, as well. And Beamex could play a pivotal role in the evolution of this space on Moonbeam.

As ready as it gets

Beamex is not only the sole decentralized perpetual trading platform on the Moonbeam Network, but also one of its most capital-efficient products.

Beamex has been consistently performing with an average total value locked (TVL) of approximately $180,000 and an average trading volume of around $500,000. Even on volatile days, Beamex performance remains strong, with peaks exceeding $1,000,000.

🔎 More Beamex Analytics data 👇 (March 29 — May 28, 2024)

Left: Average TVL (the total USD value locked within the protocol, indicating the amount of capital deposited by users) = $223,678; Right: DAU (number of unique users who interact with the protocol within a 24-hour period), Total = 2,834, Average = 45.7/day
Left: Trading volume (the cumulative value of all trades executed on the platform, converted to USD), Total = $20.1M, Average = $324,193/day; Right: Trading fees (the total fees collected by the protocol as a percentage of the trading volume), Total = $41,000, Average = $662/day

The entire allocated share of the Moonbeam Ecosystem Grant (20%) will be directed to the BLP Index and distributed linearly starting on Friday, June 14, 2024.

The ambitious but achievable goals that Beamex pursues in this grant period are:

👉 To increase BLP total value locked by 100%–200%
👉 To raise average volume by 20%–30%
👉 To expand active user based by 30%–40%

Backed by the community

To move the initiative from proposal to enactment, the Moonbeam team has opened a referendum on Polkadot OpenGovernance, inviting voters to decide on the grant’s execution.

A big thank you to everyone showed their support either through voting or commenting. 🚀

Referendum #57 voting on Polkadot OpenGov

Grant trajectory

✔️ Teams signal readiness: May 29
✔️ Teams share key metrics: May 29
✔️ Start of the vote: May 30
✔️ End of the vote: June 7
🚀 Funds Distribution: Monday, June 11
🚀 Incentive Launch Deadline: Friday, June 14

With much of the tasks already done, the Beamswap team is now ready to unlock a new chapter for Beamex and the BLP Index, thanks to Moonbeam Ecosystem backing and Gauntlet support. 💪

Join us and participate in building the future of perpetuals trading on Moonbeam. 🚀

About Beamswap

Beamswap is a DeFi Hub built on the Moonbeam Network featuring a decentralized exchange (DEX) and an automated market maker (AMM). It gives users the freedom of adding liquidity, performing peer-to-peer transactions, swapping fungible tokens, and earning passive income from staking and yield farming. Beamswap will support the growth of Moonbeam’s ecosystem and act as a launchpad for new projects developing on the network. Our team’s mission is to aid in the multichain vision to serve as a host for projects on the Moonbeam & Polkadot Ecosystem while working alongside projects with existing infrastructure looking to bridge into the multichain universe.

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