$PINK listed on Beamswap!

You can now access the hottest meme coin on Polkadot from the comfort of your Beamswap dashboard and earn fees by depositing into the $xcPINK liquidity pool.

Published in
5 min readMar 22, 2024


Exciting news, Beamswap fam! 📢

The day has finally arrived — we’re proud to be listing the $PINK token, one of the most talked-about assets in the Polkadot ecosystem in recent months.

You can get it by trading other assets in just a few clicks and allocate it to the Liquidity Pool to earn some sweet fees.

How it all began

Soon after the PINK team made waves across the Polkadot ecosystem by announcing the launch of the $PINK token, Beamswap submitted a proposal to the Moonbeam Network to list and allocate $PINK tokens on our DeFi Hub.

And got it approved.

We’re proud to have been involved in the PINK initiative since its early days. And now, it’s time to bring the fruits of our collaboration to every Beamswap user.

But first, what’s all the $PINK buzz about?

What is $PINK?

$PINK is a community-created meme token that powers the PINK gaming universe and aims to bring closer attention to the Polkadot ecosystem through a lighter narrative.

While the technical side of the Polkadot ecosystem is truly outstanding, the PINK community believes its adoption goes hand in hand with fun and exciting utility practices, gaming included.

Game on DOT is PINK

The core objective of the $PINK token is, therefore, to introduce more users to the Polkadot ecosystem and onboard them through user-friendly and frictionless use cases.

The $PINK token was minted on the Polkadot Asset Hub parachain. It allows cross-chain migration to impact the most communities possible in the Polkadot ecosystem, maximizing the network’s exposure and user participation in everyday on-chain activities.

$PINK listed among assets minted on the Asset Hub parachain

Buy xcPINK

To get your hands on Moonbeam-native xcPINK, go to the Trade tab on the Beamswap DEX.

Select the asset you’d like to exchange for xcPINK and set the amount.

If this is your first time interacting with xcPINK, click “Approve xcPINK” first and confirm it in your wallet. If you have done so already, click “Swap” and exchange the assets from your current portfolio for a new bag of xcPINK.

Click “Confirm swap”, sign the transaction in your wallet, and you’re all set!

Add to the xcDOT — xcPINK Liquidity Pool

Now that you have xcPINK in your wallet, you’re welcome to add your share to Beamswap’s xcDOT — xcPINK liquidity pool and earn fees.

On the Beamswap dashboard, navigate to the Pool tab in the top menu.

Under v2 Liquidity Pools, click “Add New” to add assets to a new pool.

On the Liquidity tab, select the xcPINK and xcDOT tokens, enter the amount you wish to allocate, and click “Confirm Adding Liquidity”.

Finally, sign the transaction in your wallet pop-up.

That’s it! You’ve just added your share to the xcPINK — xcDOT liquidity pool, ready to earn some fees from it. 🚀

$PINK Distribution

By listing $PINK on Beamswap, the platform would enhance the native liquidity of the token on Moonbeam. This would encourage users to engage with the network and leverage connected contracts for buying or selling $PINK.

Simultaneously, the stGLINT token holders would be more incentivized to increase staking, while BLP liquidity on Beamex would be boosted so that users could generate more swaps and positions on the perpetual DEX.

Aligned with the Moonbeam proposal, the $PINK allocation on Beamswap is therefore:

  • 50%: xcDOT — xcPINK liquidity pool
  • 25%: stGLINT rewards
  • 25%: Beamex BLP

Think (and trade) $PINK on Beamswap!

Join the meme coin craze by diving into the pool of pinkness with Beamswap.

Go to Beamswap DeFi hub, exchange assets, or boost liquidity with $PINK and paint your portfolio in the brightest shade of Polkadot. 🚀

About Beamswap

Beamswap is a DeFi Hub built on the Moonbeam Network featuring a decentralized exchange (DEX) and an automated market maker (AMM). It gives users the freedom of adding liquidity, performing peer-to-peer transactions, swapping fungible tokens, and earning passive income from staking and yield farming. Beamswap will support the growth of Moonbeam’s ecosystem and act as a launchpad for new projects developing on the network. Our team’s mission is to aid in the multichain vision to serve as a host for projects on the Moonbeam & Polkadot Ecosystem while working alongside projects with existing infrastructure looking to bridge into the multichain universe.

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