Bear Tips: Organize notes with tags and infinite nested tags

Bear Notes & Prose
Published in
2 min readAug 14, 2017

When it comes to organizing your notes, Bear has a great, flexible tagging system with some pretty neat tricks up its paw.

Instead of rigid folders that require you to manually create them, you can organize Bear notes simply by adding a #tag (a word with a pound sign). Here are a few quick tips about how they work:

  • You can add multiple #tags anywhere in a note
  • Tags are separated by a space. If you need multi-word tags, wrap them in hashtags, like #star wars#
  • When you add new tags to a note, Bear will add them to the Sidebar. This allows you quickly filter for all notes bearing (haha get it) that tag
  • You can rename and delete tags from the sidebar with a right-click (Mac) or long-press (iOS)

Get crazy with infinite nested tags

One of the coolest new features in our big Bear 1.1 update is infinite nested tags. Bear launched being able to nest tags one level deep, but now you can go as far down the rabbit hole as you want. This feature is available to both free and Bear Pro users.

We have a detailed nested tags support doc, but here’s a quick overview:

  • Nest tags by using a slash, like #Novel/chapter/1 — this means #Novel will be the parent tag in the sidebar, and it will have a disclosure triangle. Tap or click it to reveal its child tag of #1 (and #2, and #3, etc.)
  • Infinitely nest tags by using more slashes, like #Journal/2017/04/06. This is a great way to create, say, a journal in Bear with a parent tag of Journal, a child tag of 2017, then a sub-child tag of 04, and so on
  • If tags are numbers, like dates — wrap the whole thing in pound signs, like #2017/04/06#

Tags really are a pretty wild way to organize your notes in Bear, and you can learn more about tags and other features in our FAQs. We’d love to hear what you think of Bear too, at, on Reddit, and on Twitter @BearNotesApp.



Bear Notes & Prose

Flexible notes, beautiful writing on your Mac, iPad, iPhone, and Apple Watch.