Reaching a new audiences via Podcasts

Published in
3 min readDec 2, 2022

It isn’t news that Podcasting is expanding rapidly in today’s world, both in terms of the number of listeners and loyalty. Hence it is only wise to invest in this platform if you wish to get ahead of the curve in order to get your brand out there.

Follow these valuable tips to reach out to a new audience.

  1. Use social media effectively

With more than half the entire population of the world on social media, what other medium could you possibly make use of, to reach out to the podcasting community. For starters you can notify people when the first episode of your podcast goes live and keep sharing exciting news. Promote your podcasts on various social media platforms in several ways such as soundbites, short video clips, compelling visuals and teasers. You can share and pin the podcast episode’s URL featuring tweet/post on twitter or Facebook page, feature the behind the scenes happenings on Instagram stories and reshare the episode multiple times. One more thing you can do is to tease the next episode 24 hours ahead of time so that your audience would start looking forward to it.

2. Regularly post

To keep your audience enthusiastic, you need to post regularly on your social media networks. Create soundbites of your podcast episodes, video snippets with any featured guests and quote images with links to your podcasts. In addition, write informative and engaging articles and share transcripts of your podcast since they offer SEO benefits and allow collection of leads (by adding lead capture forms and links to show notes page). Also share updates on your podcasts via newsletters.

3. Don’t rely on discovery algorithms of podcasting apps like Spotify, Apple podcast

To promote podcasts most people tend to rely on discovery algorithms of apps such as Spotify and Apple podcasts as channels for growth, however they are not consistent sources and may end up misleading you.

4. Convert the audio to a YouTube video

By converting your podcast to a YouTube video you will be entitled to several benefits such as being able to share it on social media, closed captioning and automatic transcripts. Keep in mind to add a search engine optimized title to your video to boost potential viewers.

5. Engage with the audience

The final but the most important tip is to build a strong connection with the audience. Once you have built a loyal customer base it would undeniably result in consumer activity with the audience following up on the products or services mentioned in the podcast whether it’s purchasing an item or simply subscribing to your channel. Hence to entice your audience you need to consider the following,

  • Interact with the listeners

Podcasting encourages interaction between the podcaster and the listeners. There are several ways to interact with and include your audience in your podcast. A few of them are,

  1. Asking a question from the audience during the podcast and getting them to answer via emails, informing them that you will cover the answers in the next episode.
  2. Direct the audience towards a Facebook post or tweet to answer a question posted or share feedback regarding the podcast.
  3. Get your listeners to send voice messages and play them on the next podcast.
  4. Create a poll for the listeners to take part in and discuss the results in the following podcast.
  • Focus on value

To get your listeners to tune in until the very end you need to provide thought provoking content of value, that they will enthusiastically share with more people who in turn would tune in to your podcast.

  • Create catchy titles

Since people tend to judge the content based on the title you need to put up a fitting and catchy title. This would increase the number of your potential listeners.

  • Avoid beating around the Bush

You need to deliver quality content in a straightforward manner, directly getting to the point without giving lengthy and unnecessary information, if you want to keep your listeners engaged.

With these tips in mind you are bound to acquire an incredible audience who would ultimately lead you to attain greater heights.

