Effective Ways To Grow Thick Beard Quickly

Syed Asif Sultan
BeardMan Club
Published in
5 min readOct 12, 2017
Contestant of Beard Competition held by BeardMan Club

Whether you are a man or a boy who has just hit puberty. A problem that many of the men face is that they do not have a thick beard, which sometimes leaves patches of skin on their face, which looks odd. Because without a perfect thick beard one cannot impress people, and yes I am talking about females. Thin facial hair tend to leave a man with the boyish look, and that makes women go away. The dominant male look which leaves a trademark of his style on people is no doubt achieved with a full and thick beard. Besides that, a thick black beard is the reason of a man’s enhanced facial features.

Accept it or not, but a beard completely changes the look of a person either in a bad way or in a good way, depends on the style, size and most importantly thickness of the beard. You cannot expect to be called an Alpha male with a beard which has patches of skin in between and upon close inspection, looks like you had chicken pox on the face. in order to achieve a dominant male look, one needs a beard in the first place, and then that beard must be full and thick in volume. So today we are going to discuss some helpful ways to achieve a thicker beard or to give an illusion of a thick beard to your never changing thin beard.

How to grow more and thicker facial hair?

Hair growth entirely depends on two things, your lifestyle including the food you eat and nutrition you take and your testosterone level. To promote fuller and thicker hair on your face as well as on your head, you will need to include something in your lifestyle given below:

Change Your Diet:

Although beard growth is triggered by genetics, but you can speed up the growth by changing your diet. Nowadays our daily intake is based on junk food, and I don’t need to say that “you are what you eat.” The junk food could lead to nutritional deficiencies which may result in weak hair, and that leads to hair fall or no growth at all. In order to make sure your hair is getting enough nutrition on a daily basis, try to include greens like spinach and kale in your daily intake. These foods also affect your hormones level by increasing testosterone levels in the body which causes hair growth.

“Bowl of fresh salad with corn, carrots, tomatoes, and spinach” by Isidor Emanuel on Unsplash

Increase Water Intake:

Water is essential for our body to remain hydrated, and if our body is hydrated, then our skin will be hydrated which makes your beard hydrated. That eliminates dryness and promotes thicker beard growth. So to keep your body hydrated and your hair thicker and fuller, you will have to chug a few more glasses of water daily. The optimal amount is 10 to 13 glasses every day.

Taking Supplements:

Once your diet routine is balanced, you will need some essential things for your beard to grow. Your hair needs some supplements which are necessary to promote the growth of fuller and thicker hair. The most important nutrients that you need for not only your beard but also your hair on the head to grow stronger are:

• Copper
• Zinc
• Magnesium
• Vitamin B
• Vitamin D
• Vitamin C
• Vitamin E
• Omega 3
• Biotin
• Protein

You can get these nutrients from outside sources like the supplements from a nutrition store. Or you can get them from fruits, meat, and vegetables. You can get copper from Almonds and beef liver, Zinc from beef or spinach, Magnesium from spinach and almonds, Vitamins from vegetables and fruits. Omega 3 from Flax seeds, Biotin, and protein from Eggs. These are some foods which I have highlighted because there are numbers of foods which have nutrients as mentioned above, you can Google the nutrients to find their sources.

All of these nutrients play a vital role in the growth of hair. But the problem is that men don’t even know about these nutrients and thus do not care to take them. Adding these supplements to your diet will have a substantial positive effect on your hair, which will help you grow a thick beard.


As I have mentioned above that the leading cause of thinner or no beard growth is the deficiency of Testosterones, and lifting heavy weights will boost your testosterone levels. As a result, you will notice beard growth. Also, don’t forget to mix some cardio with the weightlifting to increase blood circulation. Which is also essential for hair growth.

Photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash

Reducing Stress:

Stress tightens your blood vessels which do not let nutrients flow through your hair follicles. That leads to hair fall, and it is scientifically a proven fact. If you want to save the remaining hair and promote growth in them, then STOP STRESSING!! That stress may be making your beard thin and hurting its potential to grow. Involve yourself in some positive activities when you feel stress, like walking in a park or going for a ride, also try to do some meditation and watch that stress radiate like it was never there.


Hair growth by using the above natural ways will definitely be useful. But, it will take some time because your body will have to adjust to the new and healthy lifestyle. So until then, an effective way to give your beard an illusion of having fuller hair is to let your hair grow for 3 to 4 weeks. And then trim it from the places, where there are no patches of skin, and leave the grown hairs near the patches of skin. It will work as an excellent disguise for your skin patches.

Wrapping it up:

Once you are following these tips and changing your lifestyle from unhealthy to this healthy routine. You will start to see some drastic changes, not only from the perspective of hair but your overall physics and strength will begin to change too. You will become muscular and healthy with time. If you are a victim of hair loss too, then it will also stop because the nutrients mentioned above promote hair growth and make hair stronger. So your weak hair will become stronger, and your hair which have stopped growing will start to grow. So I recommend you to follow this guide and make your life healthy and happier. These benefit just come free with a thick beard. So what are you waiting for just build a new lifestyle with a new and improved thick beard.

Originally published at www.beardman.club on October 12, 2017.



Syed Asif Sultan
BeardMan Club

CEO Satak Support, Digital Marketeer, Blogger, Follow Official Profile https://medium.com/@syedasif