mallHarnessing Productivity and Management Styles to Propel Small Business Growth

Saliba Faddoul
Bearish OS
Published in
2 min readNov 21, 2023

For small businesses, effective management and maximizing productivity are key drivers of growth and success. Adopting the right management styles and productivity strategies can lead to improved team performance, better resource allocation, and enhanced business outcomes. This article explores various management styles and productivity techniques that small business owners can implement to foster growth and efficiency.

Understanding Different Management Styles:

  1. Democratic Management:
  • Overview: This style involves seeking input from team members and making decisions based on collective feedback.
  • Impact on Productivity: Encourages creativity and innovation, leading to higher employee engagement and motivation.
  1. Autocratic Management:
  • Overview: The manager makes decisions independently, with little input from the team.
  • Impact on Productivity: Can be effective for quick decision-making but may limit team engagement and creativity.
  1. Transformational Management:
  • Overview: Focuses on inspiring and motivating employees to exceed their current capabilities.
  • Impact on Productivity: Leads to a more dynamic and innovative workplace, fostering personal and professional growth.
  1. Laissez-Faire Management:
  • Overview: Provides minimal supervision, giving employees the freedom to make decisions and solve problems.
  • Impact on Productivity: Ideal for highly skilled teams, promoting independence and self-motivation.
  1. Servant Leadership:
  • Overview: Prioritizes the needs of the team and helps individuals achieve their potential.
  • Impact on Productivity: Builds a strong, supportive team culture, enhancing collaboration and morale.

Productivity Techniques for Small Businesses:

  1. Time Management Strategies:
  • Implement tools like time-tracking software or the Pomodoro Technique to improve focus and efficiency.
  1. Task Prioritization:
  • Utilize methods like the Eisenhower Box to differentiate between urgent and important tasks.
  1. Leveraging Technology:
  • Adopt SaaS tools like Bearish OS for streamlined project management and communication.
  1. Regular Team Meetings:
  • Schedule consistent meetings to align on goals, track progress, and address challenges.
  1. Employee Training and Development:
  • Invest in training programs to enhance skills and keep the team updated with industry trends.
  1. Effective Delegation:
  • Assign tasks based on individual strengths and capabilities, ensuring a balanced workload.
  1. Feedback and Recognition:
  • Provide regular, constructive feedback and recognize achievements to boost morale and motivation.
  1. Work-Life Balance:
  • Encourage a healthy work-life balance to prevent burnout and maintain high productivity levels.
  1. Adapting to Change:
  • Stay flexible and adapt management strategies and productivity techniques as the business evolves.
  1. Continuous Improvement:
  • Regularly assess processes and systems for potential improvements and innovations.

Conclusion: Choosing the right management style and productivity techniques is crucial for the growth of small businesses. By combining effective leadership with smart productivity strategies, small business owners can create a thriving, efficient, and dynamic work environment. It’s important to continuously evaluate and adapt these practices to align with the business’s evolving needs and goals.

Call to Action: What management styles and productivity techniques have you found effective in your small business? Share your experiences and tips in the comments below.



Saliba Faddoul
Bearish OS

Earned BS from UCB in Two Years - Graduate Harvard -Lifelong Learner @ Bearish OS One App to Supercharge Work