Weekly Crypto News for 7/12/21 to 7/18/21 — Curated by BearTax

Sambhrami Patil
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1 min readAug 30, 2021

1/ Biden & IRS Put Pressure on Crypto Tax Avoidance, by proposing the following:

  • Businesses must report all crypto-transactions valued at ‘>’ $10,000
  • Crypto custodians & exchanges to report data on user accounts which conduct at least $600 worth of inflows/outflows each year

2/ Binance Stops Stock Token Sales

Binance’s stock tokens let users buy a fraction of publicly-listed stocks like Apple, Coinbase, Microsoft & Tesla. Prices were settled $BUSD.

However, the company announced to have stopped stock token sales & users have 90 days to sell them.

3/ Blocknative Raises $12M to Track In-Flight Trades

In-Flight Trades are transactions that are waiting to be validated. CEO & Co-founder — Matt Cutler, stated that Blocknative tools will benefit blockchain projects to:

  • estimate gas fee
  • detect attackers
  • track ‘in-flight trades’ that haven’t yet settled in their wallets

Read more here: https://www.coindesk.com/blocknative-raises-12m-to-follow-crypto-transactions-in-flight

4/ PayPal US Expands Crypto Purchase Limits To $100K!

Previously, the amount was restricted to $20,000 each year. The annual cap has been removed as well.

Vice President — Jose Fernandez da Ponte — stated that the move should give customers more options for crypto trading.

5/ S&P Dow Jones Indices Launches S&P Cryptocurrency Broad Digital Market (BDM) Index

The world’s leading index provider has launched its latest cryptocurrency indices, which aims to provide a broad performance snapshot of the cryptocurrency markets. The BDM includes 240 coins!

