We Will Defeat COVID-19

Kevin McCarthy
Defeat the Virus
Published in
2 min readMar 22, 2020

The COVID-19 virus represents a national trial like few others in our history. Unlike previous public health crises, the coronavirus threatens to overwhelm our healthcare system and slow our economy.

Already, it is causing drastic disruptions for American families and workers.

School closures are creating novel hurdles for parents and teachers. Childcare closures are complicating the dynamics of family life.

Small businesses and their employees are grappling with curtailing operations or closing down for a period of time and laying off workers, through no fault of their own.

And most importantly, our healthcare system is gearing up for what will likely be its most significant challenge in generations.

As a government, our top priority is to ensure Americans are safe and healthy, especially the most vulnerable. We are listening to the sobering words of Dr. Fauci: “Things will get worse before they get better.”

But together, we will come out of this stronger.

Given the severity of the challenge and seriousness of our mission, our nation cannot afford partisan politics. This moment demands nothing less than bold and bipartisan solutions.

To that end, America can defeat the coronavirus by adopting several key principles:

  • Support frontline medical professionals by sending them whatever support and resources they need to fight the virus.
  • Make tests abundant and free, and embrace a right-to-try approach to therapeutics.
  • Secure our economy’s foundation, especially small businesses and their employees.
  • Provide relief directly to individuals and families in need.

Moving forward, America must continue to mobilize our “Arsenal of Democracy” to expand access to tests, identify treatments, and develop an effective vaccine.

During World War II, victory was possible because public-private partnerships won the war of production. Today, we are unleashing that same American capacity for ingenuity and productivity by bringing together the best and brightest medical experts in government and the private sector to tackle this national challenge.

That is how we are building our arsenal. But ultimately what makes it an “arsenal of democracy” are the people who will use it: you, the American people.

Americans always rise to the occasion in the toughest times. Even today, with all the uneasiness and uncertainty, Americans are responding with outpourings of kindness, compassion, and resilience. Neighbors are helping neighbors. Communities are supporting small businesses. Strangers are lending a hand to strangers. We are showing we are #InItTogether.

If we continue to work together towards our common goal, I have full confidence that history will record that America was not broken by this challenge— our common bond as Americans will actually be stronger.



Kevin McCarthy
Defeat the Virus

Speaker of the House and Representative of California’s 20th district in the U.S. House of Representatives.