Stephen Paddock is a Dumbass Loser

steve wardrip
Beat Vibe
Published in
3 min readOct 8, 2017

Always the loser, Stepped in Cow Paddy, er, I mean, Steve Paddunk, pa dunka, dunka, dumbass, loser. Stephen Paddock had a small penis, a small mind and a small life. He was a loser of the greatest magnitude.
He is dead in hell.

Could he have been a winner? No. Stephen was a loser. Evil created by evil. Cheap shot. Genius? No. Idiot, yes. Loser? Oh, yes, he lost everything. Everything.

Stephen was off to a bad start with a defective brain. He was given the chance to do good, but he never thought he had the wherewithal that everyone else has. He didn’t have it. He lost. He is a loser, was a loser and forever will be a loser. Terrible example of a human being, he tried to rub goodness in our noses. We have noses. He does not have one… or anything else. He had the greatest chance in the world to do good, to be good and his own selfish greed and cruelty kept him from it. Yeah, Stephen, you blew it, you really blew it. Did you change anything? Yes, you made it worse on yourself. Maybe you feel like you need to be punished for what you did. Maybe you will be. Maybe you won’t have any doubt about hell or heaven. Maybe you think you got away with something. Maybe I think you did not get away with anything. Maybe I think you are in the spotlight now. Maybe you are having to explain, whether you like it or not. Maybe you will have to speak up and explain why you decided to be a dumbass loser. Maybe you will finally have to be responsible, whether you like it or not, you are in debt.

Stephen Paddock, stupid loser in debt… That’s it. Here’s what history says about it. “Stephen Remains A Loser.”

A dumb insignificant mass murderer… what an accomplishment, Stephen. You did something so stupid that you think you are an invincible winner. You see, Stephen, you are wrong. Stephen is wrong and it’s made a loser out of you. You couldn’t have possibly more lost the game. The game you played, you were not smart enough to win. Do you know why? Because you are not smart enough to win. You are a dumbass, always have been, always will be. All you know how to do is take people’s good heart and try to hurt them. You can’t. You are the lost hurting one. You take all of mankind's sorrow, torture, pain, anguish, gnashing and gnawing of bloody teeth and excruciation pain and multiplied millions of times, heaped it upon your head as a burning, painful, indescribable searing hot pile of hot embers, burning it’s way through your , twisted, perverted, disturbed, rancid and rotten, stinking, boiling inferior, bloated, psycho, ruined, useless mind, body and soul.

Hell’s doormat is what Stephen is, a worthless piece of shit.

How do you plan to repay your debt? You can’t just pull a trigger this time, you have to be responsible for what you did. You can’t walk away from the henchmen. You can’t hide your little penis. You can’t run. You can’t hide. The spotlight is on you and we are all laughing at you and your little penis. You don’t think it’s funny, but it is! It’s so funny that you are in so much debt and there is only one way to pay it back… and that is to beg for mercy from Almighty God. Does He give you that chance? Yes He does. Are you sorry for being a dumbass loser? Or do you insist on this violence nonsense?

Stephen Paddock, you must pay the bill you owe. There are no negotiations, trickery, deception, tom foolery or smoke and mirrors… nope, this is real and there is no escape. How will you pay? There is no turning your back on us. You are in the hot seat… and it’s getting hotter. We are listening, Stephen… we just don’t seem to hear much from you. Damn, you have the smallest penis. Damn, it’s hot. Damn, wish I wasn’t a dumbass loser. Damn, I wish I could just run away… but I can’t… and it burns! IEEEEEEEE!!!!!



steve wardrip
Beat Vibe

Writer of Rumors, Gossip, Lies and Dreams — Poet, Scallywag, Whippersnapper and Galactic Co-Pilot