When In Cassadaga

steve wardrip
Beat Vibe
Published in
2 min readSep 24, 2017

Steve Wardrip


While I had to wait for the results, when I visited Cassadaga, Florida last month, I went to a fortune teller who said they needed time to profile me. I paid up front, answered some basic, general questions and they sent me on my way, promising a reply in a few weeks. The results came in today. I didn’t lose my fifty dollars after all. Here is my fortune told:


You're a Free Spirit!

You got 50 points or above, you are a free spirit!

The Free Spirit

As a free spirit you have an immense passion for life, and due to your desire to live it as wholly as possible, you need as much freedom as you can get. Thus, you are not one to religiously follow rules, restrictions or social conventions that restrain your ability to explore, experience and discover the wonders of life.

Although the stereotypical image of the free spirit is usually that of a bohemian flower-child, or risqué gypsy traveler, the free spirit can also be the quiet person in the corner reading, or the plane-Jane commuting on a bus. In essence, the free spirit lusts for freedom above all else, and can be reckless and volatile at times, following the whims of their hearts.

The free spirit is also open-minded and not afraid to go beyond their comfort zone to taste the excitement and joy of life. Therefore, they tend to love traveling as well as welcoming alternative lifestyles, and people, into their lives. In friendships and relationships the free spirit is admired for their passion, enthusiasm and uniqueness. However, they can at times be flighty and untrustworthy depending on their temperament.

In summary:

  • You have an immense passion to live a whole and fulfilling life
  • You desire freedom above all else
  • You have a lust for adventure
  • You're willing to go beyond your comfort zone
  • You accept instability and a lack of security as a way of life
  • You're independent-minded
  • You tend to be untrustworthy
  • You can be volatile and capricious
  • You don't tolerate needy, clingy, judgemental or controlling people
  • You tend to be an unconventional thinker
  • You have a unique personal style
  • You're a "rule breaker"
  • You're artistic
  • You tend to approach life with a carefree attitude



steve wardrip
Beat Vibe

Writer of Rumors, Gossip, Lies and Dreams — Poet, Scallywag, Whippersnapper and Galactic Co-Pilot