The Naaman Project

Lionel Nkaya
Published in
2 min readMay 20, 2014

Naaman was a very successful warrior and in his time, being a “successful warrior” meant you were strong, rich, and famous.

Nonetheless, like every idols, Naaman had feet of clay: he was suffering from leprosy. To make a long story short: Naaman goes to meet a man of God who tells him that to be healed he needs to go dip himself in a river. Naaman obeys and is healed.

The beauty of this story is that Naaman’s happiness did not come the way he expected it. He was ready to work hard on getting his healing and was even a little disappointed when he saw that all that was standing between him and his longed for healing was as simple as a dip in the river.

As I was reflecting on the simplicity and beauty of this story I asked myself: when did God gave me simple happiness instructions such as: “Go wash in the river” and I did not follow through with it because it appeared too simple or too difficult ? For example : Call this long missed friend and say you are sorry you messed up and did not call for so long.

This is the “Naaman Project”: Bring the troubles to God, accept the most simple solutions and be healed.

