9 Questions You Might Have For Our CVO

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Published in
4 min readJun 8, 2018
Jens Kappe is the CVO of BEAT and Magicline GmbH

Have you ever wonder what the Chief Visionary Officer of a company does after working hours? Well, contrary to common belief, being the CVO of a multimillion-euro company isn’t just solely about doing round-the-clock work — CVOs must know how to have fun too! To that end, we sat down with Jens Kappe, the CVO of BEAT, to explore some of the most intimate parts of his personal life as well as what his vision for BEAT is like.

What’s your favorite sport and why?

My favorite sport is standup paddleboarding. In Hamburg we have a lot of small canals where I would paddle my board through and think about every random thing that came to my mind whilst trying not to fall into the water. It’s a very healthy retreat for your mind, your body and you get a fantastic perspective of everything that’s going on around you when you stand on that board.

How often do you work out in a week?

Unfortunately I only do it once or twice a week. Although I would love to do it more often, I am grateful if I even have the time to do it twice a week. Speaking of working out, we do have our own gym here at MySports to test all our new digital features and functions in real-life environments.

What motivates you to work out?

It’s the mixture of maintaining the overall fitness state of my body where it is currently at and also the blissful feeling that you get after a successful workout session. You know — the feeling that you have achieved something, and even though sometimes it hurts quite a lot, the satisfaction you get is totally worth it.

What’s your go-to meal after a workout session?

Unfortunately, I am not that good at finding the right meals; I have many colleagues here who are experts at that. I’ll eat whatever comes to my mind at that moment, nothing special, though I know I could potentially benefit a lot from choosing the correct ingredients.

Jens is also a fan of Star Wars and Paddle-Boarding

What do you want to achieve with BEAT?

We really want to change the way the world interacts with sports and health data. We want to help people decide what is being done to the data that they generate by determining who could use it and for what purpose is it being used — ultimately receiving some benefits for sharing their data on the blockchain.

What do you think makes BEAT unique?

I hope that we could unite companies that normally wouldn’t work together, companies that are competitors in a “normal business life”, who neither want to cooperate or share any of their data. I believe that the decentralized aspect of blockchain technology is a fantastic opportunity to store health and fitness data in a protected way, which makes this the perfect tool to “break those natural barriers down“.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

I am in contact with a lot of partners and customers around the world and help them deliver their products and services to the BEAT ecosystem while connecting them regularly to the BEAT foundation and various other legal entities as well.

Where do you see the BEAT ecosystem in 5 years?

We would have achieved every goal that we set when we started this whole thing: Uniting various Third Parties, Data Consumers and Data Providers in an overarching ecosystem; Storing millions of Health and Activity Data Contracts on a blazing fast BEAT Blockchain; and Assisting legal entities in finding solutions to store private health data with the right amount of data protection by utilizing Blockchain technology.

Last question: Early-Riser or Late-Nighter

Very early-riser but unfortunately sometimes late-nighter as well. However, on weekends, I try to get up a little later than usual, and go to bed a little later at night.

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DISRUPTING THE HEALTH AND SPORTS INDUSTRY - Unleash the value of verified health and sports data using cutting edge blockchain technology. beat.org