AMA Interview with CryptoGrinders is now online!

BEAT Token
Published in
3 min readMay 28, 2018

Last Friday, the CEO of BEAT, Daniel Hanelt sat down with Alex from CryptoGrinders for an Ask-Me-Anything (AMA) style interview. In the 15-minute long clip, they discussed several important aspects of the BEAT token sale, which includes the development of the BEAT platform as well as the various partnerships that BEAT is engaging in.

The interview began with Daniel giving a brief overview of the general concept behind the BEAT ecosystem. According to him, BEAT’s vision is to create a community of people who do sports on a regular basis.

“We are a bunch of people in our company who share one common goal — we really want to motivate people to do more sports.”

However, Daniel admits that the biggest obstacle that stands in the way of achieving this goal is the lack of motivation. Therefore, BEAT’s primary objective is to provide a viable reward scheme as an incentive for people to set tractable goals in their journey towards fitness. For instance, you set up an agreement with a partnering company in the form of a smart contract, in which you agree to run a total of 30 miles per week for 8 weeks straight. In return, the company will give you a new pair of running shoes or a free one-month pass at the local gym.

Ownership of Data

Furthermore, the idea of owning the health and sports data that you produce every time you exercise could be a possible motivating factor as well, given the era of data privacy that we are currently living in.

“We want to give the control over your data back to you,” Daniel explained. “You are producing data if you run with your smartphone or with your fitness tracker…but you don’t own the data because you don’t have access to that.”

Therefore, BEAT’s objective is to give users ownership over their data and decide who to share this data with — whether it is with a fitness provider, a team of university researchers, or a health institution. This brings us to the topic of partnerships, which was also one of the topics that were brought up during the CryptoGrinders interview.


According to Daniel, since BEAT was basically conceived by a group of gymaholics who love to work out, they already have an extensive network of of contacts with important players in the industry such as the local gyms in Germany, which could be a very good starting point for the team. Moreover, Daniel said that BEAT is also seeking to partner to various companies in Germany that produce digital equipment to measure sporting activities in order to incorporate the BEAT ecosystem into their products.

App Development

During the interview, Daniel and Alex also discussed the development of the BEAT platform. According to Daniel, while the BEAT platform itself is still under development, various partner ecosystems are already in place. Magicline, the infrastructure that was created for sports providers to run their gym businesses on, is already up and running. Another sister platform is the NoExcuse app — also known as the digital interface for the gym — which is the first blueprint to integrate BEAT technology. All of these partner ecosystems have been bringing in tens of millions of Euros in annual revenue, and they are stepping stones for BEAT to implement the their platform on a wider scale.



BEAT Token

DISRUPTING THE HEALTH AND SPORTS INDUSTRY - Unleash the value of verified health and sports data using cutting edge blockchain technology.